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Bella registered the cold first before all else, and her eyes opened to darkness she didn't understand. When she moved her hands to rub away at her eyes, she heard chains and that was when she felt them, cold shackles around her wrists, and her heart seized. She remembered nothing but the accident and nothing of the murder and what had followed.

Her body felt heavy as she moved on the cold concrete floor, and she felt intense pain in her stomach.

"Hunger pains" she muttered under her breath.

Finally awake I see. said Sin in her mind

What happened, where am I?

Long story short, we were kidnapped, I ended up killing the culprits then, made out with Xavier and then got arrested but then it seemed he was working for someone else, hence we were drugged and shipped off to hell I presume.

In that moment she remembered having come to and hearing the familiar sounds of NYC. Her heart skipped a beat and she shook her head in panic.

No, no, we can't be back here, what did you do Sin! This is all your fault, all your fault. She said, her mind in panic. She wondered which between what two men, had her confined. She wondered if whether Deacon could be so cruel and she felt she couldn't put it past Luka to be the one behind it.

Many thoughts assaulted her mind then. Her breath hitched when she heard the door groan open, and her eyes locked onto the shadow that stood by the door.

"Oh good, you're awake" and her heart broke then.

"Deacon" she said refusing to believe it.

"Don't sound so shocked Bella, or should I say Killer Sunshine" she gasped then and Sin let out a humourless chuckle

Oh he's good, he's real good

"Yes, I found out, it was probably stupid to leave that letter behind, but I'm also glad you did, else I would have killed you otherwise"

"Why?" she could only breath out in question and as if her word was a trigger he let out a cold chuckle

"Why" walking towards her until he stood before her seated position, crouching down, he grabbed her jaw and made her look at him, with the little light from the open door, she could see his eyes that raged as he spat

"You ask Why! How about the fucking humiliation you put me through huh, how it made me look when the woman I had chosen decided to disappear on me, like I had no control over my shit!. Let's not forget the rejection, only for you to go whoring around in Hawaii" coldly chuckling again he added, licking his lips

"but don't worry, once I have your attitude fixed and you agree to be mine, all else will fall back into place." she couldn't help but laugh then, a laugh cold enough to have him frowning at her

"Are you kidding me!? You have to be kidding. I mean, all this trouble because I hurt your fragile ego!?" she felt mad, not exhaustion but fuelling anger that made her smirk and say

"So what? did my easy slip from your slimy hands show them just how pathetic you are? did they think you not man enough that you couldn't get a handle on your woman, who by the way isn't and never will be your woman!? " her right eye twitched and Sin spat out

"Now I see why she never fell for you to go begin with. Nothing but a little boy in a suit tryna play man, despite the glaring reminder between your legs saying that you aren't" she felt his back hand then and she hissed. Bella let out a light laughter, her throat feeling sore, ignoring the sting of the corner of her lip, certain he had torn it open, she ruefully smiled and said

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