Meeting you

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"Ouch" The coffee your drinking Burns your tong, "Here is your coffee" a Familiar Voice you hear say "Hello?" You turn around to see The waitresses Holding your coffee You just burnt your young on, "Here" says the waitress you take it in a daze You realize Your parched "But" your thinking "how? I wasn't I wasn't thirsty.." You whisper to yourself, You realize the pain is gone. As you tell your therapist You strange Coincidence you had today you look up, She is looking at you in a way where you know what she's thinking, "I'm not crazy, Understand me!" She stops, "Please  I'm not quite" you stand up and walk out, as your thinking to yourself You see something in the corner of your eye, "What is that" you stare at something In the corner of your eyes it almost looks like a Man? But Where is his head?, you shake your head in a dis-approving way you turn your head to see what it was "A man in a suit, Phew <<you wipe your forehead sweat>> he has a head.." You walk home down the pathed street that you know better than your own mind space, You reach the worn house on the left corner, "sigh"...You walk inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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