Saving The World: Part 1

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"Ya, apology not accepted." You said, crossing your arms over your chest. You stared down at Kamado as he was literally groveling on his knees to apologize to you. You had already given him the ultimatum and now that his plan failed, he was begging for forgiveness. Typical.

You weren't surprised when the others were shocked at your clear uncaring nature. They could have sworn you'd accept the apology after everything, but you were stubborn. The only ones who weren't surprised were Ingo and Emmet.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a world to save." You said, spinning on your heels to go confront the big bad of the region. You walked up the hill alongside your boys and the clan leaders. Kamado reluctantly followed behind you, on the off chance that you'd need him.

Now Irida becoming a temporary prophet had thrown you off your game temporarily, but seeing Palkia again was...almost to be expected. You had already realized as soon as you met the clams that their prophets were Dialga and Palkia, they just didn't know their names yet.

"Are you sure you got this?" Ingo said right before you could throw out your first team member. You smirked and shot Ingo a wink in response.

"This isn't the first time Palkia and I have met." You admitted, then turned to face the pokemon of the hour. You weren't as serious as you should've been, but then again Palkia wanted to be captured for some reason. It had spoken through Irida to say as much.

So watching the pokeball shake a few times before clicking was a relief off your shoulder. You went over, picking up Palkia's pokeball and looked over to hear a jovial laugh. You turned around, briefly catching Irida picking up the broken pieces to the chain. Then you saw professor Laventon with Jubilife's own set of twins.

"You really are the pride of the survey corps!" Laventon said, walking over and putting a hand on your shoulder, "We came just in time to see you win."

You smiled at Leventon before taking his hand off your shoulder and shaking your head, "I'm glad you made it, but you do know I'm no longer a survey corps member, right?"

"Well..." Laventon said before Akari pitched in.

"We were really hoping you'd reconsider!" Akari shouted, running up and grasping your hands. You watched Emmet tense up at her persistence, knowing you didn't exactly appreciate random people grabbing your hands.

"Please, we need you on the team. Akari and I have gotten better...but we're nowhere near as good with pokemon as you and Emmet." Rei finished, looking at you with pleading eyes.

"I..." You began before you heard a scream and crash behind you. You turned to see another portal opening and the mountain began shaking. You could barely make out Irida trying to speak when you saw Dialga's foot coming out of the portal.

"Shit..." You said before turning to Ingo, "Ingo, you're louder, we need to evacuate." You told the man next to you. The whirring of wind was making it hard for anyone to make out voices. You could now see Dialga in his full glory but something was wrong. You didn't know what it was...but this wasn't the same Dialga you once faced.

"ATTENTION PASSENGERS! EVERYONE FILE A COMPLETE LINE AND BEGIN EVACUATION BACK TO THE BASE OF THE MOUNTAIN!" If it wasn't such a dangerous moment, you would've laughed at Ingo giving the normal spiel when something wasn't right on the train. Instead, you followed with your own orders, and quickly began working your way to the base of the mountain with Ingo and Emmet grabbing both your arms.

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