wake up

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   I slowly open my eyes as I grow aware of the world around me. Lifting my head, I see the same house I saw moments before dying. Wait am I dead? I felt like I was dying moments ago, how am I not dead? I slowly start to get up, my entire lower stomach still in pain, and I look around. I looked back at the tree I woke up leaning against and saw Vinny.

"... Vinny? Hey Vinny wake up," I say tapping his face a little. I look at his arms and they weren't broken anymore. "What the hell... Hey! Vinny! Wake up!"

  Vinny flinched a bit and slowly looked up. "Evan? What the fuck... Aren't we supposed-"

"To be dead? Uh yeah I'm pretty sure," I finished for him.

  I help Vinny up and began to walk away to see where we are.

  "Hey Vin. You were here with Habit right? Do you know where the front door is?" I ask turning back to Vinny who just found his glasses.

  "Oh yeah it's this way," he answered walking to the front of the house.

   Once we got inside it was silent for a while. It was quite awkward to even be in the same room as Vinny, I mean we almost killed each other. It wasn't like we were gonna go back to talking like nothing happened. Hell, I'm still pretty pissed at the fact that he was lying to all of us from the get go.

   After a while of silence, I finally asked, "So how do you think Habit's plan failed?"

   "I'm not sure. I thought it was going to work because you find out after being tortured by Habit for so long that he's never wrong," Vinny answered.

  I nodded and looked around. "And uh this house, it changes?"

  "Yeah. Upstairs is my basement if that's an example for you."

   I sat back in the chair I was sitting in, trying to decipher what the hell I just heard. But I honestly didn't want to think on it that much so I just nodded. Then it was silent again.

  "You happen to know where the bathroom is?" I ask, standing up.

  Vinny pointed down the hallway and said nothing. I took that as he didn't feel like talking anymore. I walked down the hallway and opened a couple of doors before finding the bathroom. Well this house really does seem like it fluctuates. I shut the door behind me and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit to say the least. I had blood stained from my mouth to my chin, my waist was soaked with blood (surprisingly no bullets stuck in there), and my hands looked like they were bruised at one point. I took off my hat, put it down on the sink, and just stared in the mirror for a while. It's been so long since I've been able to do anything in my body that I barely even recognized it. I sighed and look over at the bathtub. Might as well get clean, I don't know how long I have before he comes back.


   It was a good thing there were clothes in the bathroom from probably the day before. I could tell because it was the fucking Haunter shirt and a Hawaiian shirt that only one person would fucking wear. I put on the Haunter shirt but left the other one because I didn't want anyone to freak out. I step out the bathroom with some slightly cleaner clothes on and went to find Vinny. I walked aimlessly around the house, trying to figure out the house itself before I found Vinny in the kitchen.

  "Heya Vin," I said, startiling him a bit.

"Oh shit, yeah hey Evan?" He questioned a bit. I honestly don't blame for questioning if it's me or not.

"Yeah it's me," I answer, walking over to the counter, "So, did you or that shit demon stock on food for this house or did you just eat take out every night?"

  "Well we weren't here long before, you know. But no we just ate take out except for the Reese's that were here, Habit ate all of those," He replied.

  "What kind of demon eats Reese's?" I remarked looking in a glass pumpkin filled with candy.

  "Do you even have to ask?"

  "Eh true I guess"

  I grabbed a packet of gummies and opened it. "So what now? We just stay here until we finally fucking die?"

"I guess. It's not like we can go anywhere," Vinny said crossing his arms.

"Why?" I asked. Vinny turned on his phone and went to YouTube and showed me the most recent video on the channel. "Oh shit- Who the fuck even posted that?"

"I'm not sure but it wasn't us because it was posted yesterday. We just woke up today." Vinny said turning his phone back off.

  "Well shit, I guess Habit had plans just incase we fucking failed to die. Post the video and we're dead to everyone," I said eating one of the gummies, "I swear if I could I'd fucking kill him."

  "You and me both, brother," Vinny sighed and leaned against the counter.

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