1. The Beginning Of The End

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   it was like my life flashed before my eyes, there it was, Hawkins on fire, people screaming, complete terror among our town. 

I look over at Mike who is standing right beside me which must of sent signals through him since he looks over at me as well with a concerned look on his face which made me feel even more terrified. 

   All of a sudden Joyce spoke, "What's going on and what exactly are we dealing with?" She says with a shaky voice, there was complete silence until- "Henry." El said with a straight face now facing all of us. (Jonathan and Nancy who were in a pair, then Joyce and hopper who was a pair..then me and Mike.)

"Well do you know what he wan-" cut off by el, "He wants to take over Hawkins and the whole world- *she pauses then continues* bu-..but I'm confused as well since I thought we got rid of him..", I look down at my feet which must of caught everyone's attention because, "What's wrong Will?" Mike said looking over at him raising a eyebrow in confusion. I continued to look at my feet trying to find the right words but before I could I heard a loud explosion

   And suddenly looked up to see trees on fire and the grass splitting in half, I grab Mike pulling us away from where it's splitting not realizing how close we were and immediately let go off his arm.

"Now what the actual hell is happening now" Nancy recalled, then everything stops- now the trees are frozen and it's like small snow is floating, which we all know isn't snow and is actually the upside down coming over into our world. "We need to go", Hopper says looking over at everyone.

   We head back to the cabin where we see argyle just meditating with mushrooms, (odd). I look over to see El and Hopper discussing everything that happen over the spam of a year, I softly smile since it warms my heart that El finally has her dad back and can maybe start to feel better since she had a tough life plus being bullied on top of that.

Anyways talking about El I didn't even notice Mike standing right beside me which caught me off guard on how close he was once again which always startles me a little since its Mike, after a long akward silence I finally say, "so, how are you holding up? Is El talking to you now or..." I stare up at his beautiful gazed brown eyes then he follows up of what I was saying, "Eh..I have but the only time we got to spoke out of this whole time we was here was when..when we discussed our break up." He slightly looks upset since every time he is upset he seems to play around with his fingers.

   "Oh...I'm so sorry, that must be very hard on you since you guys been through so much." I notice Mike gaze over at El before speaking again saying, "No, honestly it was for the best and i'm just glad me and El can just be friends and not like ex's who hate each other yk?" Of course I didn't know what he meant, I mean i never had a girlfriend or...or boyfriend.. but I spoke up anyways so I didn't leave the conversation empty handed, "Yeah uh totally.." I slightly look at my feet feeling embarrassed, I mean at my age shouldn't I know how relationships worked or how to give advice?...I guess if you really think about it then no, not exactly since growing up queer in a small town like Hawkins wasn't exactly perfect, especially how people acted towards people like me..who were called all kinds of names like fags, and queers. If I'm being honest I feel so alone knowing everyone around me is normal while I'm different and well a mistake.

3 hours later

eleven, hopper and Joyce are fixing up the cabin some more so it's okay to sleep in for the night. Jonathan and Nancy are chatting beside the shed probably catching up with each other, I know things between him and her have been rocky especially when he told me about the whole *not going to college with Nancy* thing. I honestly feel bad for them since they make such a power couple but ended up having opposite dreams.

I was sitting on the cabin steps when I felt a presence sit beside me, I looked over to see the one and only Mike who gave me a small smile. "hey will, you okay?" The words felt nice to hear knowing that this past week i've felt so alone and so isolated from the world. The words were like a sting that enter my heart if that make sense. I felt my cheeks blush a dark red soon as I realized Mike was sitting fairly too close to me (to the point our shoulders were touching) I look away from him and give a slight nod trying to get rid of the blush creeping on my cheeks. It seems like Mike couldn't take the hint cause he laid his hand on my shoulder. "Will, your nose is bleeding, are you sure you're okay?". Fuck I didn't even notice my nose was bleeding. I wipe my nose with my sleeve and turn to him. "Yeah, sorry I get nose bleeds when I'm stressed". I lied. I mean kinda? Yes I was stressed but it wasn't the cause of my nosebleeds. I knew what the cause was but I was to scared to admit it. Vecna was dead. Right?.....

If there was grammar mistakes please
ignore them since I suck at English! :)
<3333 💌🍜

Chapter 2 coming soon.....

Chapter 2 coming soon

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