Chapter Ten

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New Family


This morning I woke up a little excited. Today me and Nae were going to our dads house to meet his wife and other kids. Thinking about the whole thing makes me a little nervous, like what if they don't like us. I mean it's crucial that we all get along in order for me and Nae to build a good relationship with our dad. Right? I mean it only made sense. Since I wasn't sure what we were going to be doing once we got there or how long we would be there I decided to pick out a casual but formal outfit. I put out some light blue low riding jeans my black crop tank top, my black sandals with silver trimming and a black cardigan that had a pink floral print design. Once I got out the shower I got dressed and did a self check in the mirror. Then put half my hair up in a bun and left the other half down and loose curled it. Spraying myself with some prefume I kept my jewlery basic. Medium sized hoops, a silver watch, a couple of rings and my favorite chain. Holding on to my chain I began to remember why this chain was my favorite. It was the last thing I had to remember my mom by. Uncle Tom found two matching necklaces in my moms stuff after she died each one inscribed to me and Nae. Thats why he knew what names to put on our birth certificates. On the back of the charm it said "To my beloved twins" with our names on the bottom. The only diffrence between our necklace was the stones inside of them. I smiled. I just wish I got a chance to meet and know my mom. A tear began to form at the thought of her. I quickly wiped it away and made my way towards Nae's room to see if she was almost done. When I walked in she was adding the finishing touches to her makeup by doing her eyebrows. Her eyebrows always came out flawless. "Hey bae." I called to her smiling. She turned around laughing "Are you ready?" I asked her she shook her head yes in response then grabbed her purse and Iphone and walked pass me towards the front door and I followed behind her and grabbed my keys, turned off the lights and locked the front door. Jay was already in the car. I got in and we were off.


We were pulling into my dads driveway, and I couldnt help but address my sisters uneasiness. She didnt speak the whole ride here. "You good Nae?" She didn't respond I called her name three times before she finally said something. Snapping outta of her daze she looked at me confused "Are you good?" "Oh.....yeah I'm ok.......I'm just.....a little scared thats all." Surpised at her answer I asked her why. "Its just I never expected us to get to this point with him...I mean come on Nene we bout to walk up in his crib and meet his wife and kids. Ion think I'm ready for that." "But jay you were da one who reached out to him first.....I thought this is what you be apart of his life.?" I said with confusion "This is what I want." She put her head down "Atleast this what I thought I wanted." Sad that my sister felt this way I grabbed her hand, causing her to look into my eyes. " being able to be here happened for a reason. God made us reconnect with our dad so this day could happen and I believe once we walk in there everything will be just fine." I said trying to reassure my sister that everything was gonna go fine. She shook her head in agreement and smiled. We got out the car and walked up to the house. The house was a nice large sized subberian home, with a big and long drive way the house was white and cream on the outside and looked like it had four maybe five bedrooms. From the car I noticed a screen patio in the back so I'm assuming they have a pool, a large one too. There was also a lake behind the house that went around half the neighborhood. Once we reached the door I could still sense Nae's uneasiness. I grabbed her shoulder once again reassuring her it was going to be ok. She smiled and rang the door bell.

A women who looked to be 5'4" with carmel skin that seemed to shine opened the door with a giant smile plastered across her face. "Hi! I'm Janice I'm so glad to finally meet you guys." She said pulling us into a hug. She smelled like a freshly grown spring garden. She had on a blue silk blouse that she had tucked into her all black pencil skirt. Her long black hair was straighted to the bone and it looked to be all hers. No weave. No extensions. No nothing. She was beautiful, no doubt about it. Looking at her physical features I could tell she was mixed with something. Hispanic maybe? but you could definitely tell she had some black in her. Hugging her back me and Nae both said hello to her simultaneously. "Im Renée and this is Jenae and its nice to meet you too." I said introducing us. She moved to the side gesturing for us to come inside. Walking past her I took the time to admire their beautiful home. It had a family friendly feel to it, which I liked. Like I said the house was big I noticed that none of the bedrooms were downstairs but there were two bathrooms downstairs. A full bath and a half bath. There was a living room, a dining room, a den, and a office that I believed to be for my dad. She walked passed us a gestured for us to follow. We cut threw the kitchen which was fairly large. Everything in there was modern and high tech. We followed her past the kitchen and into patio. By the way I was right they had a very large pool. One you would find in a small complex building for rich retired people. In the patio we saw my dad, his kids and two other people. Our dad was sitting at one of the outdoor tables that had the umbrella in the middle. Once he spotted us he excused himself from his conversation and made his way towards us. "Girls I'm so glad you could come today." He said hugging us. "Were glad to be here." Nae said. He smiled at us and put his arms around our shoulder and introduced us to everyone. "Mom and dad this is Renée and Jenae, girls these are your grandparents." His parents stood up to hug us. We said hello, exchanged a few words. And allowed them to ask a few questions. You know the basics like, hows life been treating you, what type of jobs we have, are we in relationships. They even asked if we had any kids. I laughed at that. I never once planed on having kids, but if I were to meet that perfect someone one day...then sure why not. After speaking to his parents he introduced us to his kids. His daughter Ivory is fifteen years old and is beautiful just like her mother. She was short though. She had to be atleast 5'2" but was thick for her age. She had a nice size booty and small but noticeable boobs. Her hair was long like her moms. You would think they were twins the only diffrence between them was Ivory's hair had natural curls and she had light brown eyes just like my dad. She smiled and waved to me. Then he introduced us to his son Trace. He was sixteen years old. Now I feel kinda dumb for getting him candy but hey he still a kid he might enjoy it once I give it to him plus the candy comes with a nice 200 dollars on the side. But he was handsome. Unlike his mom and sister he was tall 5"9 almost. His hair was cut into a high top fade with those crazy curl thingy's at the top and he had on a white v neck but you could tell he was physically fit by the size of his arms and legs. They were slim with muscles. Just like his mom he had her nice carmel skin also. But he looked more like my dad unlike Ivory. He hugged me then Nae. After being introduced to everyone my dad offered us a seat and got us some food. Sitting at the nice patio table Ivory and Trace brought me and Nae our food and sat at the table with us. "So how old are you guys?" Trace asked. I laughed. "Hasn't anyone told you your not supposed to ask a women their age." He laughed "Sorry" he said " I just wanted to know you guys just look so young." Nae smiled and said thank you. "Sense your curious I'll tell you. We're both twenty nine years old." Jay said. Ivory's mouth dropped. "Are you serious?" She asked. Her facial expression was priceless. "Yes" I replied "Why is that so shocking." She blushed in embaressment. "Well like Trace said you guys look young. I woulda pegged you to be atleast 24 no older then 25." I smiled at her response I knew how young we looked, but damn. I mean I knew was sexy but I woulda atleast thought we looked our age. "Well thank you." Nae said "So are you guys in any sports or anything?" She asked. "Well I play football and run track and during the spring I play spring basketball but I wont be doing that next year." Trace said while shrugging his shoulders. "Why?" I asked "Because next year I'm going to be a junior so I'm going to be on varsity full time that means I needa put all my attention towards football so it was either drop basketball or track. And I need track to help build my speed and endurance. So basketball was out." "Varsity full time? What do you mean by that?" Nae asked. "Well I don't wanna brag but I'm like amazing in football and ever since my freshman year I was technically apart of the varsity team but you know they couldn't make it official so I only got to play in a limited amount of varsity games and it would only be during home games." Me and Nae both nodded our heads in amaziment. "And what about you Ivy? You dont mind if I call you that do you?" I said cautiously. "No everyone calls me Ivy, and I too run track and I'm on my schools dance team freshman year I was cheerleader. I also play flag football." "Wait so your a Sophomore too?" Jay asked. "Yeah I was born in June so I started school early." "Are you guys in any clubs?" Nae asked "Yea were both apart of student council and I'm in the drama club and chorus and Trace is in debate." "You guys sound like the all american kids." I said laughing "Naw we just do are best to please mom and we want to get accepted into the best colleges. We dont want our parents to pay our way in." Trace said "Also the more we do good in school the more things we get at home." Ivy said. "Yeah next week we get our cars." Trace added. "So you both have your permits?" I asked "Yeah but I get my license next month Ivy still has to wait till August. Dad's just getting them now because in august we will be juniors, and he promised that before junior year we would both have the cars we asked for." "Thats nice." I replied with a smile. These kids are really living the life. "So hows your social life any boyfriends or girlfriends?" Nae asked with a sly smile. Trace laughed "Yes I currently have a girlfriend. We been together on and off since freshman year. She's on the dance team with Ivy." Ivy rolled her eyes at Traces comment and he slightly shoved her with his shoulder. I could tell she didn't like his girlfriend. "What about you Ivy. Boyfriend? Yes, no, maybe?" I asked she smiled "No I got out of a relationship a couple months ago but I'm talkin to a couple people." She said. "Ahhhh so you just pimpin right now." Nae said laughing and we all joined in. "I guess you could say that." Ivy said. We talked a little longer trying to get to know each other better and their great kids you know your average everyday teenagers. They go to parties hang out with their friends and just enjoy highschool. After like a forty-five minute conversation they were called over to their mom to help bring out more food and pool items. "How are you girls enjoying yourselves? " My dad asked Nae replied "Were fine. You know the kids are great can't wait to be apart of their lives more." "I'm sure they would like that." He said and sat down next to me. Me him and Nae had a conversation with just the three of us until Janice came over and joined us. "Hello girls. Mind if I join this conversation? The kids are getting in the pool?" Me and Nae nodded our heads and she sat down next to our dad. She engaged in conversation with us and we found out that she was Filipinian, white, black, and Italian. Also she was a lawyer and pretty good/well known one. By what she was saying, she knew alot of people in high places. Also her parents were rich so regardless of her job she would've never known the life of a poor person. After talking with Janice me and Nae spent several hours at their house. Dancing laughing talking we even got in the pool. Janice had extra bathing suits that she never used. I mean like 300 hundred dollar bathing suits tag on them and all. Before leaving I gave everyone their gifts saying they were from both me and Nae. Trace and Ivy both gave me their numbers and I gave them mine and Janice invited me and Nae to go shopping with her and Ivy next weekend. We exchanged good byes and left. "See I told you it wouldn't be bad." I said while pulling out of the driveway. Nae laughed "Yeah I guess you were right."

Once we got home it was kinda late. I got out the car and noticed the same black car from the other night sitting in the same spot. Nae had already went into the house. I decided that this car being here was suspicious as fuck and began walking towards it. But Before I could reach it the car sped off. Looking for a tag I realized the car didn't have one. Shaking it off I went into the house and straight into my room. Closing my door I noticed the letter from the other day. I picked it up and sat down on bed. "What could you possible be about?" I said aloud. Opening the letter I began to read it not believing who it was from. Now I'm starting to realize shaking that feeling off I had about the car was a bad idea.

The Story Of Reneeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें