Random facts about me

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1. I play violin

2. I have exotropia, but I only have it with one I (search it up.)

3. I was born is Australia, I sailed half around the world in a boat with my family and now I am living in New Zealand, I am also part German.

4. My favourite word is "bullshit"

5. My favourite colour is blue

6. I love sport, I play rugby, football, i swim, run, climb, ski, sail, suft, biking. I think that's it but I usually miss some XD I used to play netball in school but that is boring.

7. I have a younger brother

8. I like to sing but not infront of people

9. I am terrible at math but great are English

10. England is my enemy is sport XDDDD

11. My leg muscles are a lot stronger then my arm muscles.

12. My biggest dream is to have a dog

13. One of my fish is pregant and has babies

14. My favourite singers are TATE MRAE, OLIVIA RODRIGO, GAYLE and sometimes Em Beihold (just some of her songs)

15. I walk dogs cuz I'm not allowed to have one

16. I found wattpad by reading a story called "Lilly Luna and the time turner"

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