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"Why you crying?",
a petrifying question,
all I knew what to do was...
remain silent.

"You're a big girl",
a force to mature so quickly.

"Are you crazy? Stop crying",
a type of support where it was...
fight or flight mode.

"Are you stupid? Why you crying? Stop it right now",
Words of neglect...

"Be strong",
so sick of hearing that word.

"Stay strong",
depresses me more each time.

but for how long?

Being told to never be in tears,
yet I've caught you weeping at times.
You even tried to deny the fact I caught you crying.

You never directed me on how to regulate my feelings,
you created this repression in me.

Now that I'm an adult,
you're trying to ask me...
"what's wrong?",
"are you okay?"
Why didn't you care back then?!
Why now?!

Nights I've cried in silence,
pillow soaked with my painful tears,
heart felt so melancholic,
scared of making the slightest sound,
living life like a robot round the clock,
living life decayed...
until one night I erupt an ocean into my satin.

That unhealthy cycle of you seeing me "content",
seeing me not cry,
seeing me "strong".
Without realising how breathless I was growing up,
how distressed I was growing up,
how vulnerable I truly felt.

You never sought how I felt growing up,
now you want to ask if I'm okay.

I am not okay.
Tired of being "strong".

~ deep thought girl writes

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