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My girlfriend is sitting on the couch while her focus is on her phone. I stared at her for almost half an hour but she seems to not know about it because she's too busy with her phone.

She looked towards my direction after she heard me call her name. I wore a serious face but my heart's really thumping so fast. I don't know what I should be feeling— fear, nervousness or anger. I gulped then breathed in and out trying to calm myself.

"I'm breaking up with you."

I said those words without even blinking. I saw how the smile she's wearing a while ago quickly faded away from her face after hearing those words from me.

"I—" she stuttered. Her mouth gaped open, not even knowing what to say nor what to react.

I inhaled, then faked a laugh trying to lighten the atmosphere. I rushed towards her and enveloped her in my arms. I looked up and blinked several times trying to prevent my tears from falling. Damn.

"I—It's a prank, my girl."

I caressed her back trying to calm her because she started sobbing in my arms. But, what broke me more is that when she pulled away from my embrace. That'll be the last time that I'll be enveloping her in my arms. Damn. I didn't know that this will break me into million pieces.

She wiped her tears and looked at me in the eyes.

'Please, don't say it. Don't.'

"N—No, Theo. Let's break up."

I almost lost my balance after she had said those words. My world seemed to stop. Those tears that I were preventing from falling a while ago started to roll down my cheeks. I can't seem to stop them. I think I'm just gonna breakdown in just a moment.

"I—I'm sorry."

I just stood there. Doing nothing. Saying nothing. It's as if thousands of needles are being stabbed in my heart, again and again.

"I—I'm in a relationship with your brother, Theo. I'm so sorry. But, we both love each other."

I finally lost my strength and I fell down the floor, kneeling. Hearing those words came out from her own mouth shattered me to million pieces. I don't even know if it'll be possible to fix and bring them back again as a whole.

"Do you think I'm a fool to not know that?"

I scoffed a laugh. She instantly covered her mouth because of shock. She sobbed and tried to come near me but I immediately stopped her.

"The moment you pulled away from my embrace is the moment you walked out of my life. Don't ever come near me again."

I wiped my tears and stood up. It's time to show her she doesn't affect me in any way, although the truth is that I just want to run towards her, pull her and envelope her in my arms and never let her go.

But, the truth that she and my own brother managed to cheat on me even though I almost gave everything to her is stopping me.


"Stop. You should go. I'm not expecting you to come back. Be happy. You chose him over me that's why I want you to be happy."

I immediately turned my back on her. The fact that seeing her cry in front me hurts me so much. However, I can no longer do anything but to let her go.

"I—I'm sorry, Theo. Goodbye."

I heard her footsteps until the sound of it slowly vanished.

"I love you, my girl."

After I whispered those words, I suddenly burst out crying so hard. It was supposed to be a prank, but it turned out to be real.

Damn! I guess that's the end of our story my love. Goodbye.

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