Midnight Snuggles and Cuddles

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Karma woke up, Tuesday morning with a cough, and a runny nose. His face felt hot, but his body felt cold. Damn, he really shouldn't have danced in the rain yesterday. Worst part is, it's still raining.

Karma got up, and stripped out of his clothes. He lazily put on his uniform, grabbing his school bag. He grabbed a strawberry milk and started sucking the straw. He sighed when he opened the front door. Then, a car pulled in the driveway. Nagisa stepped out, and waved Karma over.

He sprinted over, jumped over the car, and got in the backseat, greeting Nagisa's mother. "Thank you. I don't know what I was going to do." The two chatted in the back out the test coming up, scheduling a study date with their friends.

Hiromi pulled up to the front off the school, dropping the boys off. Karma and Nagisa called Koro-Sensei and asked if he could pick them. They where suddenly in the classroom. "Thank you Koro-Sensei." Nagisa bowed. Karma walked up to his tentacled teacher, and gave him a hug.

"What's gotten into you today, Karma?" Koro-Sensei asked, returning the hug. Karma went to go sit at his desk. He leaned back, talking to Ritsu who just powered on. Eventually, everyone showed up one by one.


Gakushuu was worrying over his strawberry all day, up until lunch. He saw Karma getting a strawberry milk. Out of instinct, he ran up to Karma and gave him a giant hug, pinning him to the vending machine. Karma was warmer than usual

"Why hello, Shuu-Chan." Karma patted Gakushuu's head, while Gakushuu hugged his boyfriend even more. He loved being called Shuu-Chan, but only by Karma, or his family. "I love you." Gakushuu said, kissing Karma's forehead.

Karma giggled, which melted Gakushuu's heart. "You're warm. Like warmer than usual." Gakushuu remarked, putting a hand to Karma's forehead. "I'll be fine. My teacher's will take care of me." Gakushuu thanked his father for hiring such good teachers for E-Class.

"Well, I have to go. I can't miss class." Gakushuu kissed Karma's lips, and waved goodbye. Karma suddenly felt down. He walked back into the forest. He was met with Kayano, Nagisa and Okuda, eating lunch. He got out his own lunch and joined them.

Karma ate two Onigiri's, then leaned his head on Okuda's shoulder. She turned to him immediately "W-Wow! Karma-Kun You're burning up!" (A/N- I love Okuda) Okuda, Kayano and Nagisa helped Karma into the infirmary, where Karasuma sent him home.

He slowly walked home, eyes drooping. He saw the familiar front door to his house, and took off his blazer, shirt, and pants. He marched himself up to the shower, and let the water wash away all the dirt on him.

After he finished, he dried off, put on some boxers and lied in his bed, wrapping himself around the blanket Gakushuu gave him. He let sleep wash over him like a wave.


The next day, Gakushuu didn't see a certain red-head, which made him lose focus in class, go into his own world, and hardly eat lunch. By the time the bell rang, he packed his bag as fast as he could, and ran to his strawberry's house.

Gakushuu fumbled with the silver keys, and found the one that belongs to Karma's house. He walked in, put his bag down, took off his shoes and flew up the stairs. It had started raining again. Gakushuu was met with a mess of red hair poking out of a blanket.

Karma was cuddling two extra pillows on his bed, nose, cheeks, and ears red. Gakushuu climbed next to Karma, who shoved the extra pillows aside and replaced them with his strawberry blonde boyfriend.

"Hey, Karma-Chan~ Are you sleepy?~" Karma nodded into Gakushuu chest. Gakushuu started rubbing Karma's back. "Are you feeling alright?~" Gakushuu whispered in Karma's ear, complimenting him, and just talking about his day.

Then Gakushuu got up, and went downstairs. The distant thunder and rain sounds made the silence peaceful. Gakushuu brought up a tray of toast and two mugs of hot cocoa, and a bottle of medicine.

Gakushuu set the tray on the bedside table, then took off his blazer and shirt. He lied next to Karma, Who clung onto Karma. "I love you~" Gakushuu whispered. Gakushuu let the both of them let sleep take them away.

By the time Gakushuu woke up, I was dark outside, slightly raining with Karma on his chest. Karma looked up at Gakushuu, who smiled, and kissed his lips. Gakushuu just kept whispering in Karma's ear while Karma gladly listened.

"Shuu-Chan?" Gakushuu made a 'hmm' noise, telling Karma to continue. "What's the difference between snuggling and cuddling? It's also midnight." Karma asked/said in a soft hush, giving Gakushuu butterflies.

"Snuggling and cuddling huh? I don't know, but what do you prefer?" Gakushuu rubbed the back of Karma's head, making Karma hum in thought. "I'd prefer snuggles, you always kiss my neck when we snuggle." (A/N- I'm making myself feel single) Gakushuu shifted their position, to where Karma's legs where wrapped around his stomach, and Gakushuu's face in Karma's chest.

Gakushuu started kissing Karma's neck, being very gentle with him.

"I love you Shuu-Chan."

"I love you too My Strawberry."

The end

Midnight Snuggles and Cuddles (Oneshot)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें