~Chapter 7~

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(~A/N same as the others~)

Y/n's Pov

I quickly changed into my old Isle clothes and ran down to the family room. "I'm going to the Isle to get my daughter weather you like it or not. I can't stand staying here waiting for the guards to bring back some useless information. I can almost guarante that the person who Uma was on about is Maddie and we know that she is working with Ursula, Captain Hook and Gaston" I told Mum, Dad and Ben as Carlos stood behind me with his Isle clothes on. "And isk you geting kidnapped from Gaston AGAIN? ARE YOU STUPID!" Dad practically roared at me. "I'd rather be there with isla than being stuck here with the press up in my Face!" I shouted at him. "Who's going to go with you dear. For safety in numbers?" Belle asked. "Mal, Jay, Evie, Uma, Harry and Carlos" I answered."what about Gil? Why not him?" Ben questioned me. "I talked to him earlier and he and I both agreed that he stayed here so he doesn't become even more hurt that was he was before he came here" I told Ben as he nodded. "Please let me go. We can get Isla I know we can." I begged them as Mal came to see weather we was aloud to go. "Please be safe." Belle said before walking over and kissing my head. "Tell dad that i'll be fine" I told her and she nodded. Ben passed me the barrier remote. "I don't fancy lossing you again" "You won't I promise."  "Mal, Carlos look after her ye?" Ben asked and they both nodded. "Let's go. The faster we get there. The faster we can get Isla and come back home" I told everyone as the limo started to move.

"I know where the four of them will be." Uma said leading us to the dark house. We looked around and saw a window wide open. We quickly made our way over and looked through the window. I was about to climb in but then Mal grabbed my shoulder and stopped me and let Uma climb in. Uma quick grabbed Isla and passed her to me as she started to cry . Uma quickly jumped out of the window and we all ran back to the limo and we heard Ursula shouting. Carlos climbed in last and slambed the door shut before Jay sped off the isle. "shh, Isla. I know Your hungry. We're going home now" I kissed her as Carlos hugged me while looking at Isla.  As we got out of the limo Carlos ran straight inside to make a bottle while the rest of us made a slow walk in. "Isla baby girl, daddy has gone to get you a bottle now it's okay beautiful." I told her as we walked into the family room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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