the beginning and abilities

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Guys I don't know if what I'm doing is copyright or not I'm just speaking from the heart more like texting from the heart but you get it right this is my first time as a writer I hope you enjoyed my story I am thinking of it on top of my head so guys I hope you like it I am trying my hardest as a writer so give me my credit please now with that done let's get into the story

It all started in the valley of the end Naruto versus Sasuke with their last attack they created a rift in reality both Naruto and Sasuke got sucked into this wrist but Sasuke got turned into chakra and went into Naruto this went on to give Naruto to the rinne-sharingan and his own mangekyou sharingan

It all started in the valley of the end Naruto versus Sasuke with their last attack they created a rift in reality both Naruto and Sasuke got sucked into this wrist but Sasuke got turned into chakra and went into Naruto this went on to give Naruto...

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his mangekyou abilities are 14 Amaterasu.
Blaze Release: Honoikazuchi
Yasaka Magatama                   Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi
Chidori Kagutsuchi
Kamui Shuriken
Kakashi's Kamui
Obito's kamui
Kamui Raikiri

While all of this was happening now we go check up what's happening in the seal in the seal the kyubi no kitsune is worried cuz she yes the greatest being in the Naruto verse is she never got to tell Naruto how she felt now she feels like she's losing his chance cuz she thinks he's dying then she gets inverted brilliant idea so she brings Naruto into mind scape

While all of this was happening now we go check up what's happening in the seal in the seal the kyubi no kitsune is worried cuz she yes the greatest being in the Naruto verse is she never got to tell Naruto how she felt now she feels like she's lo...

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              Naruto's SUSANOO

               Naruto's scythe     Kami koroshi/God Slayer Naruto's first wife was I know you are all are going to be surprised by this cuz even I am and I'm the one who's writing this it is the ouroboros dragon God Ophis I know I know y'all have ...

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               Naruto's scythe
     Kami koroshi/God Slayer
Naruto's first wife was I know you are all are going to be surprised by this cuz even I am and I'm the one who's writing this it is the ouroboros dragon God Ophis I know I know y'all have so many questions and I'll be happy to answer them but for right now so this is how it happened when Naruto arrived in the dimensional Gap eventually after drinking space he was flying like tumbling around getting dizzy and he was still spinning and spinning and spinning he couldn't stop until he hit a rock on the head and I know that must hurt office sets they strange for it and energy in her dimension immediately went over to kill it but what she saw surprised her someone in the dimensional guy without her protection or great reds greatly surprised that he is so strong that he can be ophis and and great red by himself and I know what y'all are thinking well I know what I'm thinking so please bear with me cuz I even I think this is a terrible thing I'm doing cuz I know like this type of fanfiction or writing in general but I'm going with it cuz it makes sense office decided in her mind that she will marry him and bare his kids

2 months later after 10 million attempts of office trying to seduce him she thinks she went the wrong way cuz you know she's in her kid form then she goes into her adult form which Naruto found extremely attractive and he is not embarrassed by in three months after that he decided to give in cuz he did not want to deal with the costume pastoring so he gave in he said fine fine I will marry you and that's it guys cuz that's all the time I have because I'm in high school and all that so bye✌️ please subscribe to my friends

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