Opposite -Finney Blake

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Finney's POV:
I was walking to school with my sister Gwen and she was rambling on abt something, I don't know what it was because I'm not paying attention at all. I'm busy thinking about my crush y/n. I've liked her for 2 years and I will never ever tell her because she's the absolute opposite of me, she wouldn't like me back.
The only people that know about my crush on y/n is Gwen and Robin..Basically my only friends.
I'm not even good friends with her like that. She only knows my name and sometimes she actually forgets it. I have no shot with her.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Gwen punching my arm.
"OW! what?!" -Finney

"Were u even listening to what I was saying?!" -Gwen

"Y-Yeah of course" -Finney

She looked at me like 'do I look stupid to u?'
"Okay, so what did I say?" -Gwen

I just shrugged

"Oh my God. Were u thinking of y/n again?" -Gwen

"Maybe, maybe not" -Finney

"U should stop being a coward and just tell her u like her" -Gwen

"Absolutely not. She's the complete opposite of me! Shes a rebel, a fighter, and a badass. She literally forgets my name sometimes. She probably likes Robin or Pinball Vance. I have no shot with her" -I said while looking down

"Finney, Vance hates y/n because she beat his high score in pinball so y/n doesn't talk to him and Robin is only lab partners with her. U have nothing to worry about. And she forgets my name too even tho I'm friends with her and that's because she has bad memory when it comes to names. She probably does like u and ur just being paranoid for no reason" -Gwen

"Oh...well still, I know she doesn't like me, Gwen." -Finney

"How are u so sure?" -Gwen

"Because if she liked someone, she would've told them right away and I can just tell she doesn't like me" -Finney

I heard Gwen sigh
"Whatever u say, Finney" -Gwen

We got to school and we saw Robin. Me and Gwen walked over to him to say hi
"Hey Robin" -Finney

He turned around and looked at us
"Oh hey Finn and Gwen" -Robin

"Hi" -Gwen

We talked for a few until the bell rang. I said bye to Gwen and Robin and went to class.

Robin's POV:
"I gotta go, see ya guys" -Finney

"Okay, bye Finn" -Robin

"See u later Finney!" -Gwen

Then Finn left to class and I was abt to go as well but Gwen stopped me
"Wait Robin!" -Gwen

I turned around and looked at her
"Yeah?" -Robin

"I need a favor" -Gwen

"Okay, what is it?" -Robin

"So u know who y/n is, right? And I have class with her?" -Gwen

"Yeah, she's in the class I have right now" -Robin

"Okay, so when u get to class, I need u to ask her what she thinks of Finney. Because he thinks she has no interest in him and that she likes u or Vance" -Gwen

"ME? VANCE? what the hell!?" I shaked my head "uh yeah sure I'll ask her" -Robin 

"Okay thank u" -Gwen

"No problem" -Robin

I walked away and went to class. I saw y/n so I sat down next to her, like every lab class.
"Hey y/n" -Robin

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