Y/n and his friends doing random shit

601 5 13

I own nothing



Y/n: *grabs Issie's nose* "Gotcha nose"

The door gets kicked open

Police: "Look out he's got a nose"

Police starts firing


Issie: *Grabs Y/n* "You've got to help me man * points at tie* my tie is evil and it's gonna kill me"

Y/n slowly backs away

Issie: * looks at tie* "Please don't hurt me"

Tie *deep evil laugh*


Kiba: "Hello parking metre"

Parking metre: "Hello"

Kiba: *Shocked*


Random Girl: "Someone help me I'm being robbed:

Vali: *points at the sky* "Don't worry I'll help you tree powers activate" *turns into a tree*


Kazuto: *points at potato* "Die potato"

Potato: "Nooo"

Kazuto sqishes the potato


Spyro the moon dragon

Spyro: "How did i get here?"

The end


Y/n: *playing a horn*

Police: "You got a licence for that?"

Y/n: *holds horn to his head* "You'll never take me alive" *kills himself*


Gasper: "Quick don't think about cats"

Kiba *barfs up cats*


Vali: "Hello mine turtle."

Mine turtle: "Hello."

Issie steps on the turtle causing it to explode killing him and Vali.


Y/n: "HAHA they said I could never teach a llama to drive."

Switches to a llama driving a car.

Y/n: "No llama Nooo."

It shows the car falling of a cliff

Kazuto: "Oh no I am not stepping on you."

The car comes down landing on Kazuto and the llama getting away.

Mine turtle: "Hello."


Y/n: 🎵It's a lovely day to walk down the road if I ever stop singing I will explode.🎵

Issie: "Hey Y/n."

Y/n: "What have you done." *Explodes*


Issie: 🎵Hello🎵

Vali: 🎵Hello🎵

Gasper: 🎵Hello🎵

Kiba: *steps on turtle*

Mine turtle: "Hello."

Issie, Vali, Gasper, Kiba: 🎵Oh no🎵

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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