The Whole Thing

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(We open with some kinda montage of Luna Nova's students engaging in interesting convo, until Lotte shows up and immediately kills the mood. This leads to...)

Amanda: You're worried about WHAT?!?!?!

Lotte: My personality! You saw what happened, I waltz in, and immediately, everything feels less... fun. And I don't even know what's the deal!

Amanda: So you're wondering why you're a mood killjoy, huh? I think I know why. It's cuz' you take your life too seriously.

Lotte: I do?

Amanda: Yeah, think about it! All this time most of your "wild adventures" happen next to Akko, or Diana, or someone else you've wound up latched onto! Y'know why everyone's more interesting than you? It's cuz' you think things thru too much.

Lotte: What's wrong with that?

Amanda: What's WRONG??!!?? Whaddya think, stupid?! Live your life! Have some FUN!!! Do somethin' crazy, wild, and/or stupid!

Lotte: Hmmm... 

I know! Do you have an Adam Sandler movie on ya?

Amanda: NOOOOnonononono, Lotte, no. Your problem is you're too smart for your own good. You don't usually eat junk food cuz' you're aware of the health risks! You insisted the millennium began in 2001! You gotta try something, y'know, not-smart!

Say... how about we spend an afternoon in Hawaii together? Lots of wild, crazy people come from Hawaii! I've even got a guide to doing it!

Lotte: Well, I guess I could...

Amanda: Great! We'll start tomorrow, 12:00 pm!

(The Next Day, Hawaii, 12:00 pm sharp; Amanda's in a Hawaiian tourist outfit, and Lotte's wearing her usual. Also they're in an exotic restaurant)

Amanda: First things first, ya gotta do stuff without thinkin'. Throw your reservations out of the window!

Lotte: ...Is that what your guide says to do?

Amanda: Pretty much:

(The Guide is a Goofy comic)

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(The Guide is a Goofy comic)

Amanda: Here's a good way to start... Eat this ol' octopus tentacle! Just let your mind go when ya do it, I swear!

Lotte: Ehhhh.... do you know any studies that can prove the effectiveness of this thing?

Amanda: Hey, quit thinking! Loosen up and eat!

Lotte: (eating octo-limb) Well, I guess it does kinda taste like chicken...

Amanda: Chicken? I thought those things were supposed to taste like lobster! Hold on, lemme find another activity...

Amanda: Chicken? I thought those things were supposed to taste like lobster! Hold on, lemme find another activity

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