MadWheeler, With a Capital P

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AN; This isn't all volume two based I've realised but yolo. This is an au where MadWheeler have a duo band. They're best friends, ik, shocker 😱

They share a vocalist position, meanwhile for instruments Mike plays guitar and Max plays the drums. I got this idea from someone on YouTube, but added my own flare with the Max on the drums, because I feel like she'd play them, and would absolutely destroy people with it.

Their band is called MadWheeler, again, idea from YouTube. Thank u who it was because I forget :)
Ages: Max - 16, Mike - 15, El - 15, Ronance - 23 (not that it matters, thought I'd mention it)

 Thank u who it was because I forget :)ENJOY!!! Ages: Max - 16, Mike - 15, El - 15, Ronance - 23 (not that it matters, thought I'd mention it)

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                        [Third Person POV]

Mike and Max were getting ready to go onstage. Preparing their vocals, tuning their instruments, etc.

"You guys are on in three minutes." Robin, their co-worker said as she moved to help her girlfriend, (and Mike's sister) Nancy Wheeler, double check all onstage lighting and assets were perfect.

"Are you ready emo?" Max asked, looking at Mike with a smirk on her face. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Stop calling me emo just because I'm wearing eye-shadow, it compliments my outfit."

"You mean it compliments your emo facade." Max corrects, Mike glaring at her in response. "Have you finished tuning your guitar?" She asks, changing the subject.

He nods, playing a small tune to prove his answer. Max rolls her eyes, giving a quiet, but quick clap sarcastically. "Bravo, Show-off."

Mike scoffs. "You're just jealous you can't play guitar." He says, sticking his tongue out.

She gives him an offended look, caressing the strings of his guitar in one straight line. "I don't need to" Max crossed her arms. "I look hot playing drums, and I stand by that statement until I die."

Mike puts a finger to his chin, gesturing a thinking motion. "Is that why you're still single?"

Max rolls her eyes. "Me and Lucas broke up a month ago, I don't need a relationship to be hot. I'm not a hoe like you." She says, smirking as she sees the offended look on Mikes face.

"You guys are on!" Robin shouts, as the lighting adjusts into a mix of neon blue and green on the stage, introducing their band name.

Max and Mike both skip onto the stage with their microphones (and guitar), welcoming everyone to their performance.

"Hey hey heyyyy!!" Mike shouts down the microphone, the crowd cheering back.

"Thank you for coming tonight, we hope you enjoy our performances!" Max says, earning more cheers from the crowd.

Mike shushes everyone nicely, putting the microphone to his lips once more. "Before we start playing, I'd like to say a happy pride month to everybody!!" The audience's cheering now becoming recurring. "And a special shout out to my boyfriend, William Byers, whose in the crowd with us tonight ladies and gentlemen!" The lights pan on Will the whose shyly waving in the VIP audience section. Mike blows him a kiss, Max rolling her eyes sickeningly at the gesture.

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