chapter one: lavender & strawberries

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The twisted fibres of the rope were rough against your skin but the soft bindings on your hands prevented any damage.

Tugging on the ropes ensuring enough slack for a smooth climb onto the black wooden skeleton of a home.

Rain, An unforgivable force of nature, lashes against your body, clinging to the curl of your lashes.

The smell of a rich man's fire burned through you as the night's icy wind carried the stench through the air...

20 million won. You reminded yourself

20 million won for this assassination. An offer that you couldn't possibly turn down.

After adjusting the stem of the flower ensuring it wouldn't fall, you began the climb. Scaling the walls and rooftop of the sizeable dark mansions, you located the small vent entrance.

The cold metal pressed against the palm of your hands. Crawling through the vent you heard a deep voice sounding from one of the exists. Softly you walked toward the sound and it was clear he was on the phone.

"The rival gang Ateez are planning to make a move on Bangtan." Growled the voice. Stopping in a breath, you freeze. "Send some of my men to them and squash those plans immediately. Everything relies on my plan and I need Bangtan to cooperate."

Ateez have their eyes set on Bangtan? You think.

The boys had always told you of Ateez. Their new rise to the top in the Seoul drug ring slowly followed by becoming the one of the most dangerous gangs in Korea, scared some but angered most. You knew what you had to do.
Opening your phone to message him.

where can I find Ateez

Unknown number:
Agma nightclub, there's
hearsay that their boss
Kim Hongjoong owns it.

Putting your phone securely back you continued the job at hand.

Watching through the dimly lit slits of the vent the man walked across the room, back turned. It was time.

Carefully spraying the screws with a lubricant of sorts you eased the vent front off without a sound. Clipping yourself to the rope you glided down to the floor.

Grabbing the crimson rose you gently placed it on the polished hardwood dining table and hid amongst the shadows out of sight.

After a moment the man shuts off his phone and releases a sigh of aggravation. You watch from a distance as he circles the table in thought. Eyes resting upon the newly left rose fear runs through him.

Moving quick without missing a beat you pull out the lethal injection and pierce his neck with the syringe pumping the liquid into his blood. His eyes never leaving yours. Face flushed you lay the unconscious man down of the floor grabbing the rose from the table. Placing it on his torso, moving his hands to close around the thorn covered stem, he finally lays to rest. You job is done.

Sifting through the nightlife of Seoul, dishevelled business men and young drunken youths littered the streets. The sent of alcohol on pheromones glistened through the air. Small licks of rain fell onto the city as you made your way to Agma.

Angry car horns sounded as you lurked through the depths of the crooked end of Seoul. The smell of alcohol slowly merged into that of an indescribable stench of lost hopes and misery.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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