White Dress

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(27 weeks pregnant!)

"You look so beautiful, Monica!"Elizabeta cheered, holding her hand over her mouth, stunned.

I turned to the mirror.The white dress was gorgeous with creme lace at the top of the gown and stopping at the hip where it extended into a dress. Furthermore, it had creme lace at the bottom of the dress and a lovely veil that framed my blushing face. My baby stomach protruded from my belly.

Embarrassed, I asked:"Really?"I did think the dress was stunning, but I didn't want to look like a fool in front of other people.

"Monica, You look quite pretty in that dress."Gilbert's cousin, Elise, smiled softly.

"I agree! You look great in this dress!"Felicia chimed in, soothing out my dress a bit.

"Is it uncomfortable?"Eliza asked as she grabbed my forearm and sat me down to talk.

"Are you excited?"Felicia sang. She sat down beside me along with Elise.

"Nervous," I shifted. 

"Gilbert better cry once you are walking down the aisle or else you better kick him until he does." Eliza hissed while rocking the baby seat that had her newborn son, Hoyt, in who was whining a bit. He was just a month old and had a head full of light brown hair. He had green eyes like his mother, yet his face resembled his dad. 

"We didn't go through this much work for this dress for there to be no tears in his eyes."She continued.

"Monica," I turned towards Elise,"Are you having the wedding before the baby comes?"

"Yeah, I'd rather have the baby after we're married," I told them while being passed Hoyt. Eliza wants me to get used to having a baby despite me already knowing the knowledge from classes and book and also babysitting when I was a teenager.

"What about college?"Eliza questioned.

"I'm taking internet classes now because then Gilbert and I wouldn't be getting in trouble,"I replied, getting up to pay for the dress.

"Sucks that we wouldn't have classes but we still see each other often!" Felicia whined.

"Let's go pay!"Eliza said, excitably.

I smiled while watched them run to the cash register. I looked once again in the mirror. I'm getting married soon. That sentence made me tingle in joy.

In just four weeks, I'll be walking down in this dress to Gilbert, the love of my life, who will be dress up in a suit, smiling and watching his almost wife walking to him. The smell of roses will intoxicate the room and the piano's keys will echo throughout the church.

My heart will be bursting with passion as I make into the altar, ready to marry him and to seal the vow with a kiss.

Then we can have to out first dance as a married couple. Where out steps will be in sync and we'll dance gracefully on the dance floor. I'll probably step wrongly because I dance like a stick and Gilbert will probably step on my feet, crushing my heels and then laughing his ass off. After that Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert will probably twerk on the dance floor, embarrassing me and everybody else that isn't drunk yet.

I begin to walk back to them, still looking at the long mirror.


(28 weeks pregnant)


I walked through the front day, stressed from the long day of last-minute planning for the wedding. I looked at the ground to see a row of rose petals on the ground that lead upstairs, most likely to the bedroom. It was quite obvious that they were cheap plastic one that are from a dollar store, yet I still smiled at his thought.

I followed the trail up to the front of our bedroom door that was closed. Unfortunately, I had to tell him that I wasn't feeling up to sex. I opened the door; I was expecting him to be sprawled out on the bed only wearing a thong, but instead I saw a small blanket front over out bed and Christmas lights hanging around it.

I couldn't see what was behind the fort so I lift a small section of it to see Gibert fixing some of the fort.

"Gil?"I caught his attention and he blushed furiously, for he wasn't ready for me to see. The fort inside looked cozy and our tv sat on the corner. The lights were also in here and it looked like a child's paradise.

"You can't look!"He yelled, gently pushing me out."It's not ready!"

I waited there for a couple of minutes and then his head poked out for the opening, glaring at me.

"You can wait inside while I make some food."He scrambled out from the fortress, almost ruining it.

I blushed and crawled inside. I see fake candles from Halloween, pillows scattered everywhere, and grape juice that looked like wine (Thank god he didn't get real wine)

I smiled when I heard the microwave go off. I felt bad for being just in my sweats since he did go through a lot of efforts creating this.I heard the door opened and Gilbert crawled thought the fort with the pizza that we ordered last night on a princess plastic plate.

"Gilbert, you didn't have to,"I told him as I kissed his cheek.

"It wasn't really anything; I just wanted to watch pathic cheesy love movies and show how much better our relationship is compared to other people's."Gilbert handed me the pizza. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv and changed into a romantic movie that was extremely cheesy and cliche. 

"Sorry that I'm not dressed up,"I mumbled, taking a bite of pizza.

"You look pretty even in your pajamas."He opened the grape juice and poured it into two red cups.

"You're sounding like the movie,"I replied, chuckling.

We were quiet and just looked into each other's eyes for moments of just looking at each other's beauty.

"I'm so happy I'm marrying you."Gilbert wrapped his arms around my hips, holding me close to him. I couldn't help myself but to kiss him and taste him, drowning in him.

"You make so happy, Monica. I'll love you with all my heart and soul forever."

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