meeting the blonde

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Katie gets out of bed and gets dressed,
brushes her teeth and hair,then drives to the McDonald's to yell at people about eating animals is wrong,and to play then a song on a table, just as she was about to go through the door,she bumped into a blonde ,about the same height as her "I'm so sorry!" She says quickly, she got no response back,the blonde handed Katie a note then winked and  quickly strutted away cause she's a yass slay boss queen yas slay yas ,katie opened the note,it was a phone number and a name "Cheryl" Katie quickly rushed back to her car to go home and grab her phone for she can call the number,she starts her car and zooms back home, once she's home she calls the number,no answer she sighs as she thought she was given a fake number but then her phone starts ringing she grabs her phone and answers she hears a beautiful voice say,"hello katie" all katie could think is how does she know my name,

Ok this is a start of a beautiful love story so slay

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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