The Eye

375 14 6

(This is not edited so bear with me if you see some errors)

I squeeze Logan's hand as we follow his mom back to the ballroom.

He looks down at our hands for a second before looking back up at me.

I give him a look of nervousness and mouth to him 'I don't know what to do.'

He smiles and mouths back to me 'just follow my lead, you're okay.' He reassures me as we approach the large doors.

He leans over to my ear and whispers. "But it would be a good start to put your heels back on." He leans away.

I look down at my feet and gasp. "Oh Jesus!" I whisper yell. I stop before we enter the ballroom to put my heels back on.

His mom quickly turns around after hearing us whispering behind her and looks down at me putting my shoes on. "Oh thank god you noticed because I didn't even notice." She chuckles before turning back around towards the doors.

I look up at Logan and he's trying so hard not to laugh at me.

Once I finish putting my shoes on I quickly stand up and push him playfully. "Shut up." I smirk at him.

He chuckles at me. "What? I didn't even say anything." He smiles mischievously at me before taking my hand in his again.

The doors open at the same time before I'm able to say anything back to him. "We are proud to introduce the new King and Queen."

I hold his hand tightly as we both walk into the brightly lit room that is booming with applause and cheers.

I smile down at the crowd of people below us as I scan through the crowd for my parents.

I feel Logan squeeze my hand and I look at him. He leans down to my height and points to a place in the crowd.

I follow his finger and look where he is pointing and see my parents cheering and waving up at us.

I smile widely and wave politely back at them.

They look so happy least I think they look happy, they honestly look like ants to me right now.

Logan let's go of my hand and approaches the balcony ledge.

The crowd goes quiet.

"As your new King and Queen, we vow to never fail this pack in what is doing the best for majority. We will never betray you. We will not tolerate discrimination of any sorts. We trust that you understand the basics of our century and it's unspoken rules. We will not hesitate to question individuals who display concerning behaviors. Our main priority is our pack and it's safety. We will continue to carry the allegiance to our allied packs and we will continue to share resources." He proudly speaks to the crowd below us.

Once he finishes his long speech he looks back over his shoulder at me and hold his hand out to me.

I take that as my signal to meet him at the edge of the balcony and wrap his hand into mine as I look down at everyone.

"I am glad to introduce my mate to all of you, I know you all want to meet her. I assume you will treat my mate with respect and kindness." He scans his eyes over everyone closely as if he's begging for someone to object against him.

After a brief moment of silence he looks over at me besides him and I meet his eyes. "Would you like to say anything?" He asks quietly.

My eyes widen and I quickly shake my head while chuckling nervously. "No not at the moment." I smile nervously and look back at the crowd for a second before looking back into his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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