Welcome to the Wardens

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"Are you ready to join?" Stroud asked with content.
"Yes."Bethany answered in a whisper.
"Now drink" he gestured to the cup. "May the maker take you to his side if you fail"
She reached for it and swallowed, right before she fell to the ground she seen the other two recruits that had failed. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she hit the ground.
She seen images of the Darkspawn scouting through the deep roads corrupting every thing in their path, she could feel them watching her.
She awoke and seen Stroud waiting against the wall. "At last you awake" he said while smiling slightly
"How long was I asleep?"
"A few hours don't worry you are fine"
"What now Stroud?" She asked
"We go to the warden fortress and you meet your comrads."
They began traveling to the warden base in the Free Marches, they traveled for two days before arriving and before she did any greeting she found a bed and slept for a awhile

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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