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My biscuit standards 🤤😌📈💗🍪

Comments: 19million


Language_kid: Miss those look really nice!

Chef101: Wow Miss, the texture look really good, you must send me the recipe! I looks too good to be true 😫

Tr0uble_AtFirstSight: @Chef101 it doesn't matter what it looks like, it just needs to taste good!

Cheery919: Sorry @Chef101 I brought it from the store, as usual.

Cheery919: Also, @Tr0uble_AtFirstSight @Chef101 and @Language_kid shouldn't you all be at your classes? Why are you guys on your phones?!

WhoLesome: @Tr0uble_AtFirstSight has a Draconian lesson with @Language_kid and @Chef101 has a practical lesson in Proudfoot Kitchen 4

Cheery919: @WhoLesome shouldn't you be at that lesson with Dr Lutwiche on how to stop a human heart?

WhoLesome: He is kind of....not here, Miss. Seeing as he was the one we tried the exercises on..

Cheery919: ..... WHAT?!

Cursed_Crowling67: .. @WhoLesome I think you go yourself a problem.....

Cheery919: And where might YOU be Morrigan?

Cursed_Crowling67: umm..

KingGinger1: Please don't tell me that you're skipping a class, Mog!?

Cursed_Crowling67: That funny, seeing that you should currently be at a private gathering with an ALL PHONE SHOULD BE SWITCHED OFF policy.

KingGinger1: About that....

Emo_89: ......

TheWundermith.: Hm.

Credits to Vio_morrigan 💗

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