Uncontrollable Desperation. (YASU, SAIGOMO)

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A/N: This one is a little shorter than usual, but all I really wanted was to expand a little on the Saigomo boss fight dialogue. Enjoy! :)

They say Sakura trees held all kinds of meanings depending on the homes they resided in. In China, Sakura blossoms hold a high status, signifying female beauty and strength, and love. But the gentle pink petals wear a different message throughout Japan. The luscious leaves told a story of new beginnings and optimism. No matter the meaning, standing under the embrace of these trees grants one a calming, peaceful mind. To Yasu, however, the beauty's meaning was on the opposite side of the coin. The sighting of such trees grouped together like a flock of birds, raining down petals around him, only meant one thing to the man.

This was it.

Bruised, Yasu finds himself launched through the air. The oddly colored pink grass did no good to cushion his fall as his back slams against the ground, a loud grunt leaving from the adult upon impact. Although his body was intact, he could almost feel his spine broken in half. He begins to sit up slowly, dragging the edge of his blade against the grass, before stabbing it into the ground. He uses it to aid him in standing up, then fixates on the sight of the beast before him.

She was tall- irritatingly so. Her legs were long and uncomfortably thin, yet were strong enough to support her insect body. Her skin sucked in tight against her figure, defining the shape of her limbs and torso clearly. While her long, black hair rested uncomfortably against her back, a few strands escaped out to the front, falling over her forehead and eyes. Saigomo's eyes follow Yasu closely, while her pupils occasionally twitch other directions. Her eyes continued to make strange noises, like her flesh was forcing its way out of a long imprisonment. The monster was approaching fast. Yasu had to act quickly.

Saigomo lunges forward at Yasu, making an attempt to slash at him. To her dismay, she misses, as Yasu jumps to the side quickly. All her eyes widened, yet only a few of her pupils could follow the sight of Yasu escaping her attack. He makes a hard landing, then jumps again with his katana in position. By the time the rest of Saigomo's body caught up with her eyes, it was too late; Yasu had struck his blade across her chest, sending her back with a shriek. His landing on the floor was a lot smoother this time, and he watches the beastly woman hit the ground.

Hearing growling begin to arise from Saigomo, Yasu smirked. At last, he had the upper hand. He readies his katana again, yet the sound of the spider speaking stops him before he moves.


She began to rise slowly, but kept her head facing down. The young adult could see the edges of her claws trembling uncontrollably. He narrows his eyes, trying to prepare himself for whatever was coming next.

"Who do you think... you are?" Sama's voice oozed venom, and her breath hitches. Her nails dig into her white skin, opening new, smaller wounds down her forehead. Every movement spelled out bad news for Yasu, as he found himself taking a step back cautiously.

He didn't want Saigomo to read the fear on his face. So instead, he wears his smugness, and speaks. "The only Masashige you failed to capture."

Every limb on her body trembled, as her joints began to crack uncomfortably. Her head snaps back, with her hands nailed onto her face. Even while losing her grip on reality, an unhinged smile could be seen just beneath her hands, and a wicked laugh echoed loud enough to read the moon. "Do you think you've bested me? Do you understand who I am? You have yet to grasp the reality of your situation. You have forgotten where you are... You have forgotten..."

Her words grow soft until she eventually stops speaking, only to finally remove her face from her hands. While slamming her claws down onto the soil, she stares right into Yasu's fragile soul. The young adult could see his own reflection from afar on the surfaces of her pupils.


He gulped, and raised his blade with uncertainty clouding his mind.

"I'm facing a pain in the ass," he yells. "I don't know how much longer you think you can get away with all the bullshit you've pulled... because it all stops here. Only one of us is leaving alive."

"Alive?" Saigomo repeats, her head twisting and neck cracking. "No... no no, you are mistaken... you will not die. You do not deserve death. I will ensure your time as my puppet will be painful. You will spend every moment awake, conscious of the worlds around you. You will count your every breath and feel every blink... all while knowing you are my puppet. You will watch yourself as your mind deteriorates. I will make sure... you never live in peace again."

Yasu grits his teeth. "Then DO IT ALREADY! If you're so confident you'll win, then WIN! Because from where I'm standing, you're two seconds away from collapsing."

"DO NOT MOCK ME!" The spider shrieks before suddenly taking off, reading for Yasu's throat.

As he prepares himself to counter the attack, Yasu reminds himself once more.

This was it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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