past messing the present

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Have you ever thought of going back to the past by any means ,it can be through time travel or to a parallel world ....well I have , and it's the thing i never fail to think about atleast once in 2 days. Why is that ?...cause my thoughts are always mostly about the past , I go through my past memories , pick them apart , analyse them , wonder about them , and after contemplating about it for enough times , I come to a conclusion in simple words I go through life by my past experiences and learning from them has its good points ,but bad points too, if I have learned something in the past, I never change that opinion , or I no longer change some beliefs I come to have due to my past experiences ,which makes me close minded or i mostly have only one perspective...i am actively trying to be open minded ...but I don't think I am doing good wih that...haha reader, you must be confused..well this is me being all over the place ...but i will get more clear about this one day

And the heading also will give you an insight about the bad points with living by past

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