🪷The Arrival of Mother sweetest🪷

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I was on mommy's lap eating a cookie as she strokes my hair. Akira is feeding Akita like always. Those two are always so close.

We are driving to, from what I heard from mommy, a mansion. I was alright with us moving... But I am hating every moment. Why? That B*tch, Yui, has to come with us!!

I hate her, wait no, I LOATHE her. She may be my Mommy's (Adopted)sister but I refuse to acknowledge someone like her as my aunt.

"We're almost there, my darlings~" Mommy said with a small smile as she gave me some milk to wash the Cookie down. I also saw her give two juice boxes to my brothers, she is just so kind!

"Tch, Can you ever shut up. Your voice is too sickening!" I heard from the flat bitch. I desperately want to claw her face and rip out her eyes and make them into earrings!!

Akira and Akita are resisting the urge to just kill her here and now. Mommy didn't look offended but she did continue to smile.

When the taxi finally stopped. The ironing board immediately got out and checked her appearance in a small mirror.

Mommy got out first and gently put me down on the ground as she made sure Akira and Akita didn't forget anything inside the car.

Mommy then paid the taxi driver with a smile. Yet He, However, is trying to get my mom's number!!

Me and my brothers gave him glare. If Daddy heard about this, he would be raging!

The man flinched and went back to his car.

Mommy started to carry her luggage including ours. But the blonde bitch 'accidentally' sprained her wrist so she couldn't be able to carry her own luggage.

Mommy being the kind hearted soul she is, started to pick up the Wall flower's luggage. I looked over at the bitch and she just smirked. Me and my brothers grew irritated.

Then it started to rain, the Skinny tree just ran to the door making sure her makeup wasn't ruined leaving us and mommy in the rain.

Mommy got out an umbrella and gave it to Akira. "My Darlings, can you please wait for mommy at the door." She said with a soft smile.

We didn't want to leave her in the rain carrying that woman's baggage!! I could tell Akira and Akita didn't want to as well.

"No!" We yelled in sync at Mommy as Akira held the umbrella over us. Mommy is getting soaked by the rain and she looks sad.

We hated it when she was sad so we just did what she told us too. We stood by the door waiting for mommy. We wanted to help her but Mommy just told us to stay put or we'll get soaked in the rain.

Mommy carried all the luggage, including Yui's, to the door. She was breathing hard and I am furious at the blink eyed bitch!! Akita and Akira got some towels from the bags and started to dry her.

We knocked on the door before we entered with her only to find the sick whore pinned down on a couch by a red haired man. He must have bad taste in women.

She pretended to beg for help while we all knew she was enjoying the attention.

Me and my family just stood there watching mommy then carried me with a soft smile and she made sure big brother Akira and Akita were close.

"I have told you Ayato that you should take these activities in your room and not do this every time to a guest." A butler like man said to the red head.

"So his name is Ayato..." I heard Akira mumble with that cunning smile of his. Akita stayed behind Akira like always.

"Damn! Not you Reiji!" Tomato man cursed at the butler dude.

"And his name is Ayato." Akita said as he held Akira's hand.

Yui then ran to Reiji.

"Please help me!" She shrieked and that high pitched voice of hers hurt my ears.

"And who might you be" Reiji asked her.

Mommy then decided to interfere. "Pardon the intrusion, but we were sent here by our father." She said as she gently walked to Reiji.

Akira and Akita stayed behind mommy.

"I was not informed of this but pardon me for asking but may I ask who these children are?" He asked with a cold tone.

"Not at all, these three are my children. My twins, Akira and Akita and my little girl, Mika." Mommy said with a smile.

"You look very young for kids." He commented. "My apologies if I hit a bad memory." He said with a smirk.

"No no, I'm already 27, oh and my apologies for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Mitsumi, Mitsumi Fujisaki." She smiled as she bowed respectfully. Akira and Akita followed her lead and I did as well.

"Nice to meet you Miss Mitsumi. My name is Reiji Sakamaki, and you raised your children well." He said with a smile.

"Oh my, judging by your clothes, it's uniform correct?" Mommy asked.

Flat bread tried to butt in but is ignored.

"Yes, I am a high school senior." Reiji said with a proud smirk. "Oh before I forget, that over there is my younger brother, Ayato." Reiji said as Ayato stood up with a cocky smirk.

"Nice to meet ya Melons!" He said with that cocky grin of his.

"E-Excuse me.." Yui tried to say something but is ignored. Akira and Akita laughed.

"Nice to meet ya but Melons?" Mommy asked confused.

"Your chest."

"Ah, I see." Mommy sweat dropped. Mommy then chuckled. "You are very cute~" Mommy said with a smile as she pets Ayato's head and I felt a bit jealous.

"Hey! Don't just touch your-truly's hair without permission!!" He yelled with a slight blush on his face.

"Then may I have permission?" Mommy asked as she hugged me tighter and I just found myself feeling sleepy.

"Fine just this once!" That was the last thing I heard before darkness took over my vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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