the people we are

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There are times in our lifes were we don't know what to do. It might be a little thing like just a bad phase or it could be an endless period of darkness. We all have been through one. Asking ourselves why? Why do we have to go through that? They say time heals wounds. Yeah, that's bullshit. We only learn to accept it, learn to understand. We will keep it forever in our heads, in our hearts. It now belongs to the past but it still happend. It will turn in to a memory. A memory we wish to forget. Some people can forget, some of them don't. The important thing is that everyone have their own past. Everyone experienced their own pain. We all have a different amount of pain we can hold. And everyone will fall after a time. Still we are all humans and most of the times it wasn't our fault. We were children, unstable teenagers and broken adults, suffering from their past. Suffering from traumas and a lot of mental problems. We don't need people who say we do all of this to get attention. We don't need people who blame us for the things we have been through. We are still humans. We saw things they would never imagine to see. If they would see what we saw, they would break apart. Our minds are dark and our hearts are cold. Our body is like a prison and we feel like falling apart.


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