
83 12 1

You go by all pronouns which is epic as heckerdoodles. It's awlays good to keep your options open!  There are many pronouns and you are awsome and accepting of them all ^^
It's awlays good to be inclusive

You like all colors, well I think that you are awsome for that. All colors deserve some love, even poop brown deserves love. Shure the colors may not have feelings, but still...they deserve some love anyways!!

You like frogs and turtles. I gotta say...frogs and turtles absolutely slay. Turtles have cool shell houses...ON THEIR BACK!! And frogs can stick their tongue out of their mouth realy far and catch a fly. That's pretty epic if you ask me.

Rebecca doodles. So I don't realy konw who this is, but if you enjoy them, then they are probably a pretty cool person!

Rock music. I gotta say...ROCK MUSIC ABSOLUTELY SLAPS!!  Jammin out to some rad sweeppicking, and djent!!  That's awsome!!
Rock music is somthing that should be very appreshiated!!

Your favorite word is "Gay".  No seriously Gay.
That's a grate word and you picked very wisely.
Gay is a cool word and it can be used to describe an awsome sexuality...or it can be used to call somthing that isn't Gay, Gay.

Chocolate absolutely is so yummy. And spaghetti is also very yummy. But what if you put your chocolate in your spaghetti? :0
Jkjkjk I don't konw if you should do that.
You could try it and let me konw, but idk if it would be good.

Drawing is your main hobby. So I gotta tell ya...SLAYY WE LOVE A DRAWING QUEEN/KING/PERSONNN!!!  Yay! Drawing is very fun and it opens the doors to creativity.

Your aesthetic is Henry Morris and Sonic and Tails. Sonic is bussin cuz he go fast n shiiii-
And I don't realy konw who Henry Morris is, but if you like em, they must be pretty cool!

You idolize all your folowwers. That's awsome and I praise you for that. You are a good human.

Your favorite seasons are Summer "or" Winter. Why put the or when you Can put "and" love em both. They are both grate seasons...if you live in Florida and not somewhere where the weather can be below zero🤠

Overall your score is...

Hooray you got a good score!!
Love ya <333

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