Exasperated Miu

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One week later... 

"It was a pleasure interviewing you today Mr/Ms. L/N. I hope that you have an amazing day, and keep inventing!" Alexandria stated, and just like that yet another interview was over.

The past few days have been exhausting! It feels like I have zero privacy these days. Who knew that making an invention like this would grant you fame, but no private time? At this point, I may be forced to hire assistants to help me!

However today I just wanted some alone time. Before I received widespread fame I barely left my basement, other than going to my job to raise money for my projects. However after I decided to contract with a major company the money came pouring in, and in a week you were already a multi-millionaire. 

I wasn't too fond of this, but I actually signed up for this dating app years ago. However there were no leads on there, but now that I am rich and famous many young suitors were contacting me wanting to meet up, or go on a date, or do whatever. However, I could see why they were contacting me now at all times. It wasn't like they saw me as a human being they saw me as a cash grab!

Today I just wanted to get a meal with at least some privacy. I didn't even want to take my phone out of the house with me so I could have a break from its constant ringing! 

It was lunchtime and I decided to go to my favorite restaurant which was thankfully only down the street from my apartment so it was just a five-minute walk. Nonetheless when you are famous a five-minute walk is really ten or eleven because I had to deal with paparazzi, fans, and basically every other person on the street storming over to talk to me. 

"Y/N what was the science behind the Singomatic!?" I heard one man calling out to me in the swamp of questions.

"Y/N what is your next big project!?"

"Gonta wanted to ask you if you needed any help!" 

It was a usual day for you. Thankfully when I made it to the restaurant they understood my situation and they locked out all of the paparazzi. Since I am here every week for dinner I have developed a bond with every person who works here. There is Sasha the sassy, but a fun-loving waitress. William the clumsy but hardworking dishwasher, Claudia the calm and collected manager who despite her collectiveness can be a little hard to deal with the moment a customer complains about something... 

Whenever someone is fired, quits, or so on you can't help but feel like you lost a close friend. Wow, I really need to make new friends...

Everything was amazing. I was able to get a proper meal, and not a single person came over to my table asking for an autograph or a selfie together.

That is when she walked in, and the atmosphere of the entire room changed...

It was the girl at Inventioncon 2022, and trust me if there was one person that I knew had an extreme hatred for me it would be her. I basically outshined her in every way possible, and if she knew I was here she would probably give me a piece of her mind. 

I was done with my main entrees, but after skipping both breakfast and lunch my stomach was still yelling at me to eat more. Besides if I got up now she would see me, and she obviously didn't appear that happy. The girl looked exasperated and was clearly in a very bad mood, and whoever talked to her didn't appreciate her tone of voice. You could hear her from the other side of the restaurant complaining to people... 

That is when she laid her eyes on me, and that is when I thought hell was about to break loose... However, she simply glossed over me and went to a table in front of the restaurant. Did she forget who I was? She told me that I stole the spotlight from her, and I was a fleabag. It was crystal clear she wasn't someone to mess with... She looked like a wolf in sheep's clothing. If you provoke the woman her inner wolf will attack you and leave you in pieces!

Regardless of how you treated her, she didn't say anything to you in the restaurant. The pleasantry continued, and it couldn't get any better. The desserts made me feel like I was rolling around in the clouds in heaven. I felt like I could jump out of my seat and fart rainbows! 

I couldn't help but put myself in the spotlight again by tipping Sasha the waitress.... wait for it... Ten thousand dollars! After all the meals she served to me over the past few years she deserved it, and the next time I come to the restaurant everyone I see is getting money thrown at them. 

You really felt like you were a superhero everywhere you went. Sure you may have annoying fans at times, but it felt rewarding giving the world an inspirational and bewildering device. You could also give the money to the people you loved most of all... 

After seeing the astonished look on Sasha's face you almost cried in happiness. 

Before I left she made the whole restaurant chant "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" and I felt like the king/queen of the kingdom.

That is when I left and things went south...

"Did you really think I forgot about you, Y/N..." You heard a confident, but angry voice say.

It was the girl, and I was shaken to the core. What the hell was she going to say this time...

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