A galaxy away from your heart ?

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Dean Winchester x Witch Reader

A/N: I wrote this a while ago because I miss Dean Winchester so much and sorry if some things are not right in my text, english is not my mother language.


For the last week, you struggled to catch the monster. So, when you finally ganked that bitch, the time to celebrate came.

Dean, Sam and you decided to go to the local bar. Even though you were supposed to be thrilled like usual, your smile couldn't quite reach your eyes. You know Dean's way to celebrate: getting laid with a random drop dead gorgeous chick found in the bar. It breaks your heart in so many ways. Not only Dean deserves more than just a one night stand but knowing that you would be able to love all of him, not just his look but every depth of his tormented soul unconditionally. But you are just not his type, thus you'll be stuck in the sister/friend status forever. But you love him so much that you can't stop him from doing what makes him so happy and you accept to suffer in silence.

When you arrive, Sam goes to find a table while Dean goes to get drinks. You sat with Sam, laughing at a silly pun he just said. 'I am so glad that it's finally over. This wendigo was quite a tough one.' Sam said 'Yeah, I really thought that it would never be over and...' you never finished your sentence. Dean was there with at least 4 women all around him. They were beyond perfect. Chuck definitely worked hard when he created them. The plastic of their faces was way too beautiful to be described by the usual words. He looked so pleased with them practically swooning over him. And his eyes...'Y/n !' you snapped out of your daze. 'Y/n, you okay ?' 'Yeah Sam, thanks.' 'You're sure ? You seemed pretty out of it' 'Yes, I'm just dehydrated. I'm gonna kick Dean's ass for making us wait while we're pruning out of liquid.' You laugh and get up to walk in Dean's direction.

Sam's POV

Even though he never mentioned it, Sam knew that you were completely in love with his brother. The way you looked at him, your eyes got brighter when he enter the room... Everything was obvious except to Dean. Tonight, your eyes gleamed at his sight too, but with sadness rather than joy. That unmistakable glassy look he saw so many times that it was impossible to miss it. He knows Dean better than anyone else. The one night stand thing and the 'never settle carefree' attitude are just a way to cope with every messed up self destructive feelings he has. Which is even more destructive. Y/n is basically a female version of Dean but has everything to help him out of this, but she's hurting so much at the moment...


You took all your courage to walk toward Dean. The music was so loud that you couldn't even think. People are dancing everywhere, leaving very little space for those who just pass by. The closer you got to them, the more beautiful these girls looked. You didn't even notice that your hands began to shake a little. When Dean is finally on sight, you struggle to think properly about what to say. 'Hey Y/n !' Dean says casually. 'H..Hey! Sam and I were wondering when you'll come over with us.' 'Oh ! Well, I was just chilling with those gorgeous ladies but I can come now if you want.' They giggled and then they stared at you meanly. 'So, you'd rather hang out with this ugly chick than stay with us ?! 'asked the one who reminded you of a brunette version of Jessica Rabbit. 'Yeah, she's fat and short while we can realize your wildest dreams and fantasies.' said the blond one with a look full of lust. Even though she purred the last part, her voice was still full of venom. 'Don't waste his time hun, you have nothing to offer him. Nor to any other guy for that matter.' smiled the redhead while the others laughed ruthlessly. You were the kind of girl who always has a witty comeback or even a spell to throw at her target. But right now, all the bad feelings inside of you threaten to lash out and it would be ugly, really ugly, so you remained silent.The only thing you could think of is the absolutely horrified look on Dean's face. You can see him getting mad at those bitches but can't quite register what he's saying to them. By the way they look at him, you can assume that he didn't use polite words.

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