1: on sleepless nights, i think of a girl

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on sleepless nights

when the stars whisper secrets

to the moon

i think

of a girl

i think

of a girl

who greets the rising sun

with a smile

enthusiastic and strong

i think

of a girl

who embraces herself

passionate and unique

like your most favorite song

i think

of a girl

who is sure of her beliefs

and stands up for what's right

unapologetically with honor

i think

of a girl

who demonstrates love

without prejudice or bias

even to the people who have wronged her

i think

of a girl

who is humble

yet defends herself

and is sure of her worth

i think

of a girl

who dances in the rain

lives in the moment

and cherishes the earth

i think

of a girl

who chases the things

that feed her soul

with everything she has to give

i think

of a girl

who isn't just alive

doesn't just exist

but truly lives.

and after those sleepless nights

when the sun rises

and the grass coughs

in the morning dew

i realize

that girl

is lying there

thinking there with me too

i realize

at the core of my being

i am

that girl

about whom i lie at night dreaming

i love

that girl

with all of the love she requires

i love her flaws

i love her quirks

i love her desires

i love her cuts

i love her bruises

i love her scars

i love these things

because they make up her heart

my heart

our heart

i love our heart

-Lou 8/11/22

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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