Ch. 1 |Lily|

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A/n: This is before The shadow appeared, this is to show you the life of Laura before the extinction of humanity.

Loura's Pov

Oh. It's already sunrise, I didn't realize the sun was already rising from the window, my head blurred as soon as I sat up. The loud ringing keeps going repeat in my mind, and the sound of my alarm setting off stopped it. Glancing at it, it was already 7:30 in the morning...wait. 7:30?!

"Oh, crap- IM LATE-" I hurriedly ran to my bathroom, untying my hair and got my toothbrush, I jumped up in the shower while scrubbing my teeth. "Dammit, I shouldn't have watched Stranger things at night-"

12 minutes later, I was eventually on my way to my work. While I was waiting at a Red Light, I noticed a child on the sidewalk, she was looking down at her feet, her clothes were dirty, her hair is ruined, and she was alone.. poor girl. *HONK* Crap I forgot I've got work. I drove off brushing the thought of the child away.

|after work|

I was driving back home until my car ran out of gas in the middle of the road. Luckily, I made it outside the road. "Really? Damn this car"

Looks like I gotta walk home, and I did to no avail. I again reached where the poor girl was, I felt pitiful. But instead of helping the poor child, I can only show the emotion of pity, I can't seem to find the courage to do anything.

| Emotion |
Something humans are capable of feeling and doing under any circumstances. But it was never used to help, rather than it's used to understand or judge.

| NO POV |
Days went by, and every single one of them, Loura saw the poor girl, she occasionally stopped by her street to give her food. But alas, nothing else. Laura gets closer to the girl, asking her questions as she stops by the street "What's your name?" Laura asked, softly smiling at the girl. There was silence in the past few seconds until she answered "Name...Lily.." Her voice was soft and silent, it was hoarse as well. "Hello Lily, do you wanna come with me?" Laura asked, hesitant at first.

The child simply nodded, but never looked her in the eye.
They stroll down the street, and on their way to Laura's house, silence fills the air between them, The child's grip on her hand tells Laura not to let go.

They finally arrived at Laura's house, as they both enter "Stay here alr? I'll prepare a bath for you" Laura said, leaving Lily in the Living room. The child examines her house "Woah..." she took a big gulp, she's surprised as she was inside a house, She hasn't been in one for so long.

"Lily! Come, The bath's ready!" Laura said as her head was poked out of the Bathroom. Lily walked towards her, "Don't worry, it's nice and warm" she tried to reassure her as lily nodded in response.

| Later |

Laura took Lily to her room, her bed was big enough for the two of them, and she jumps in. " Lily, come here. Have you eaten?" Laura asked signaling for Lily to come onto the bed, "...No" Lily answered, as she slowly crawls beside her. She makes a dreadful face, she pats her head to reassure her. "I'll cook something, wait here and watch some tv hm?" Laura said as she turns on the Television in front of her bed and puts it on the cartoon network channel, a simple "ok.." Was heard from Lily before Laura steps out of the room.

'I did it. I took her home, I have to take care of her now.' laura thought.
"I gotta cook now" Laura said with confidence, "now..something for her, Something delicious!!"

Laura searched her Drawers for the ingredients, she found tomato sauce, pasta, meatballs, and cheese. "Oh I could do spaghetti.. it's 7:20 already I need to hurry and make dinner-"

Laura hurriedly prepared the stove as she started to make the spaghetti. She was not a good cook, but she was doing her best to satisfy Lily's hunger

40 minutes later she prepared the food on 2 plates on her dining table, she went up the stairs to call for Lily

"Lily! Food ready!" She shouts happily, she was nervous about her food since she never really cooked that much and bought food outside.

Lily slowly came down the stairs, she was quiet and seemed like she had trauma. Laura smiled gently as she sets down a plate infront of her and giving her a big spoonful of the food, the smell was overwhelmingly delicous! Lily stared at it hungrily, sitting patiently to be given permission to eat, her eyes were nowhere but the plate as her hands and feet dangled and fidgeted.

Laura smiled and tapped her head
"Eat, you have to fill your hungry stomach little one"
She said as she started giving herself a spoonful and setting the bowl into the center of the table. She went to get 2 glasses of water and sets it down at the table, looking at lily. She was making a small mess in her face and laura couldnt help but laugh.

"Oh look at you"
She smiled and went upstairs for a napkin, finding one that may suit lily and went down to her, gently putting the napkin in between her neck and shirt and wiped the tomato stain in her cheeks.

From what it looks like, she's not used to any of the utensils. Laura gently put her hands above lily's and guided the fork to turn and get the pasta into it. Lily's eyes were wide and spoke excitement as she ate the pasta in the fork with a small smile. Laura was proud of her and herself, this may have been their first meeting but they felt familiar with each other. Deja vu was not it.

Author's Note:
Hello. Im so sorry for the long awated chapter, I thought it sucked so I stoppwd but my friend found my acc and forced me to finish this, so be grateful for this chapter. LOL im kidding, thanks for the wait ig.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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