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I was so confused this is tempest I mean he is one of the twin brothers of good. I mean really who doesn't get suspicious about this kind of stuff. But what got me really worried is that storm said,"what are you doing here the only time you tell me something is when something is bad?" He then spoke,"I was talking to pitch earlier and he was roaming around when he saw a mysterious figure trying to spy on you guys at the workshop. " Storm muttered something under her breath that I couldn't hear.


When tempest said there was a mysterious figure I muttered, "Hans." Then I noticed As land staring at me worriedly. I mouthed,'I'm fine' he nodded. I need to tell them why Hans wants me and take me away. Here goes nothing.... again......

Hey I luv how people are reading ply tell people about my stories. Like I came out with the first chapter of "meeting again I think you'll like it.

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