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Gusion was walking ahead visiting Hayabusa, Hanabi and Kagura he seems to have missed the place and had lots of fun moments with It since this place was where he found joy In

Well one friend of Gusion that lived there seemed to have called several times and Gusion was curious on why he has been calling him .

One day at Castle Aberleen

Gusion was bored he was done training he had nothing to do but just look at a mirror and twirl his daggers

He was thinking of those fun and happy moments with his friends in Cadia Riverlands

The friends were Kagura, Hanabi and Hayabusa they had lots of fun with Gusion aswell

They've been playing games in that place and had huge gatherings altogether and they even had a sleep over which was really funny cause all of them were all goofing around telling each other scary stories after doing a pillow fight which they enjoyed alot

But Gusion thought of something very odd his friend Hayabusa who has been staying by his side everywhere he goes Gusion highly found It suspicious

He just thought that Hayabusas just being protective trying to protect his friend at all costs

Gusion thought about things they'd do when they all meet again and go to that bar where they usually go

Gusion heard a telephone ringing Gusion raised an eyebrow and walked towards It  he brung It up and answered the call

He heard Kagura and was happy to hear her voice again smiling while she talks about things they've been doing today

"Hey Gusion! Remember that time where you accidentally slipped and fell on Hayabusas arms." Hanabi in the distance of the call screamed towards the telephone

"WAIT WHAT!? How'd I not see that!?" Kagura said as she pouted angrily wanting to see that moment of them

Oh yeah! That was really awkward and embarrassing to do

Gusion thought as he made an awkward smile through the phone call

"Y-yeah! To be honest, It was quite embarrassing." Gusion said as he chuckled awkwardly covering his mouth as he does It

"No It wasnt silly! That was really romantic~" Kagura said as she smirked through the phone playing with the wire od the telephone as she chuckled

"Romantic?" Gusion was confused

"HE DOESNT KNOW ROMANCE!?" Kagura covered the telephones speaker as she whispered towards Hanabi on the couch

"WHAT!? HOW!?" Hanabi said as she whispered back to Kagura wide eyed and  very shocked aswell

"I can hear you both ya know. You two aint slick." Gusion said as he chuckled from what they were talking about

"Wait.. so you know romance??" Kagura asked

"Ofcourse Kagura! Why would I not know romance?" Gusion laughed and smiled after

"I just dont understand what part of that moment was romantic." Gusion puts the telephone speaker on his ear as he was confused from what they were talking about

"HOW THE HELL DOES HE NOT KNOW WHAT PART OF THAT WAS ROMANTIC!?" Hanabi whispered to Kagura as she was confused aswell

"Ehh. Dont mind Gusion. Do you wanna talk to Hayabusa? Hes outside meditating." Kagura asked

"No need to. He'll probably get disturbed." Gusion refused nicely

"Oh well.. have you wondered why Hayabusas been calling you everyday?" Kagura asked again

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