A Bizzare Morning

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The sun was rising and shining on the beautiful rainforest of Borneo, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. The animals were all out leading their daily wild lives.. A perfect day for another new creature adventure!

At the center of the forest, a huge metal blue turtle could be distinguished: the Tortuga HQ was parked there the night before. The gang had just awoken, and everyone was getting ready for the new day; well.. Except Chris.

The four crew members - Martin, Aviva, Koki and Jimmy - were at their usual spots; Aviva was checking on the creature power suits, making sure they're working flawlessly, she wasn't up for any creature power suit malfunction that day. As for Koki, she was on her computer, like always, searching for the latest information about the area they were currently in. Jimmy, the loveable pizza guy, was munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast: classic Jimmy. And finally Martin, who was leaning against the wall, waiting for his brother and partner in creature adventuring to show up.

Out of all people, having Chris being the only one to still slumber felt awfully strange, he was known for being a straight up morning person, always up and early, and ready for a new creature adventure, but now he was sleeping in? It didn't feel right.

As these thoughts coursed through Martin's mind, a familiar face came up to him.

"Two creature power suits ready to go!" Aviva was holding both creature power suits in her hands, a smile of pride and satisfaction on her face.

Martin looked up to his friend, slightly startled, then smiled softly "thanks, Aviva!" He replied , straightening up after leaning against the wall for a while.

"No hay problema!" She looked around. "Say, where's Chris? Don't tell me he's still snoozing." She asked, a light chuckle escaping her.

"I think he might be.." He replied unsurely while throwing on his CPS.

"Hmm.. Doesn't sound like him though." She opined, placing her hand under her chin.

'She had a point' was all Martin could think, it really didn't sound like him. But he quickly decided to brush it off, telling himself it was probably nothing to get worked up about. Thinking his brother wanted to mix things up for a change.. Yeah, that's it! His face brightened up "No worries, Aviva." He let out cheerfully "I'll just go wake him myself!" He received a nod from the brilliant engineer before walking off to the automatic door that led to the other rooms. But as soon as the metallic door opened, Martin was somewhat surprised to find none other than Chris coincidentally walking through the doorway at a simultaneous timing, causing them to bump a little in the process.

"Woah!" They both yelped, not knowing what hit them. Martin looked up to his brother in green. " Mornin' bro, didn't see ya there!" He greeted him with amusement, expecting an enthusiastic reply.

"Mornin' Martin.." Was all Chris said, sounding peculiarly unenergized, his eyes were droopy, and he was looking slightly paler than usual. Not only that, Martin thought he had felt heat radiating from Chris' skin during the collision; though he wasn't sure, the thought itself was enough to give him discomfort.

And just like that, the unpleasant sensation from earlier came back, a bit stronger this time. However, it was all forgotten once again when Aviva spoke up.

"Here you go sleepy head!" She said teasingly while giving Chris his suit, who just rolled his eyes - smirking in advance - before putting on his CPS. During that, Martin was more cautious about his brother's attitude than ever. Something kept bugging him deep inside, telling him something's awfully wrong, but he couldn't quite make out what it was..

After two minutes of preparation, the Kratt brothers grabbed their adventure gear and were one step outside the ship when...

"Chris, wait!" They turned around to find Aviva running toward them with a very familiar device in her hand. She stopped dead in front of the bros, looking straight at Chris.

"You forgot your creature pod!" She extended the object for CK to grab.

"Thanks, Aviva.." He let out a smale laugh, yet an unconvincing one, even to his own ears.

"I thought you were more organized than this!" She criticized him yet again, a cheapish grin on her face. Chris grabbed the device, completely ignoring her comment, before she went back inside, saying "Be careful guys. Have fun.." While waving at them, a friendly smile on her face.

Martin, on the other hand, couldn't help but sense that something was off about his brother. His eyes narrowed as he observed Chris turn to him with those same droopy eyes. His concern was growing even more..

"Let's go, bro!" Chris patted him on the shoulder swiftly before going into the forest, his voice sounding surprisingly weak.

"Right behind ya, Chris!" Martin went along with his brother, wearing a fake smile of excitement while hoping dearly that his suspicions were incorrect. But he had no idea just how right he was about to be..

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