𝟒𝟖. ✭ 𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 ✭

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Seeing my semi-boyfriend-type-thing with a buzzcut wasn't exactly doing it for me considering I thoroughly enjoyed gripping his fine brown locks previously. He's chatting with my brother about what he thinks they're going to expect overseas like he's going to be accompanying them, which he's not, at least I have made my opposition of the matter quite apparent. That may or may not have included throwing a few objects at him in frustration then using a more tactical approach from between my legs. If you ask me, I'd say the sated look on his face was a pretty clear indicator that he's staying.

"As you can see there are no weak spots," Torey says around a huff of smoke while pointing to a map of the compound's blueprints. "I would say here is the potential for there to be a weak point but I can't imagine it's that way anymore." He takes another puff and blows it out. "My guess is Daniela is being held up around here." He circles a spot on the map then goes to another. "My mother is being kept here, in the underground section." Torey continues to go on, with Braxton making the occasional noise of understanding and sometimes out of frustration.

"Torey, you know there's no smoking in the house," our father admonishes, waving a hand in the air to rid himself of smoke. "God, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. Your mother used to have the same nasty habit. Thankfully, she quit." He grabs a dish from the cabinet and sets it down in front of Torey. "Out. Now." My brother takes a long drag, finishing off the cigarette in its' entirety before putting it out. The huge breath of smoke he blows down at the blueprint has my father grimacing and walking away, cursing my brother along the way.

"Your father is right, it's a nasty habit and not everyone has an affinity for self-destruction quite like you do, Tor." I hadn't even seen Brooks stride into the room. "And really?" He glares at the other hand that hadn't been holding the cigarette but instead is holding a knuckle's worth of booze. "Vodka first thing in the morning?" As if to accentuate the point, Torey raises the glass then polishes it off. "You really need to start making healthier choices."

"Ah yes, like flying overseas to raid a mafia lord's compound after betraying him to the United States government, which, by the way, fucked me right in the ass, metaphorically speaking, that is. Don't want you to get your hopes up or anything." My father chokes on the water he'd been taking a sip of and I can't help the silent laughter that rolls through me.

Oh, how I've missed my brother.

"Speaking non-metaphorically," I interject as I look over Brooks, "those are some pretty colorful markings on your neck." His hand automatically flies to cover them. "No point in trying to hide those bad boys." I look over to my arrogant, satisfied, smirk-wearing brother, "you really did a number on him didn't you? Surprised you're able to walk."

"Adri!" My father coughs out, still mid-choke.

"What? Do you see that bite mark? I can only imagine if he was that rough with him what his as—"

"That's enough, Adri." Torey's tone holds a touch of warning, those bright blues flicking to mine.

"Oh don't you try and use that scary dominant tone on me." But the look in his eyes is actually a bit more intimidating than I care to admit. This is a new side of Torey, one I've only recently become affiliated with. I shrug, trying to lighten the mood, "just because you're uncomfortable about your sexuality doesn't mean you have to—"

"I said, That. Is. Enough." I've never heard my brother speak to me in that way before. The words weren't of much consequence but the way they were insinuated was enough to have me shutting my mouth. "As I was saying." He continues on about the plans but I zone out, not really caring particularly about the specifics. I just analyze him as he talks in a manner that is nothing short of authoritative. He's the only one standing around this table in a full three-piece suit, the only one who hasn't buzzed his hair. The rest of them look like they're in the military while Torey looks like he's about to go out for cocktails at, I glance at the clock, eleven in the morning.

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