separation anxiety

332 8 3

i will project my feelings onto my comfort streamers
little - punz
cg - foolish
they're like 17/18 and live with their parents 🤷

-------- 😛

Punz laid on his couch with his laptop standing at an angle between his thighs and tummy watching some show, he was home alone, his parents and siblings were out of town for the night.

His eyes slowly glided towards his phone as it vibrated, it was his mom checking in on him, she wanted to make sure he was okay on his own, immediately tears started to burn behind his eyes, he missed her.

He cried for a little while but focusing on the show on his laptop, eventually he calmed down. His best friend was working on making him go make his bed a while later, claiming if he doesn't he'll just complain about his back the next day.

He didn't want to, he had stopped crying but he was still sad, exasperated, he gave up and went to make his bed, he didn't even get halfway before he was laying on the empty half bed half sofa waiting for the tears blocking his view to subside.

He wished he could call his mom, but he couldn't, there was not a lot of service where she was he had already tried earlier, he looked at his contacts with watery eyes, his fingers seemed to move on his own.

"hello?" a groggy voice called out from the other side of the line.

"...hi." Punz swallowed thickly as his voice broke.

"Punz, what's wrong? Are you crying?" he could hear shuffling on the other side, indicating that he had definitely woken his friend.

"i- could you just-" a sob cut him off.

"yeah I'll be there in five, don't go anywhere, is the door unlocked?" all Punz could do was let out a broken whisper of a 'yeah' as he sat on his half made bed.

Soon he heard the front door open and shut, the huffing of his friend filling the empty air, he ran here, Punz felt glad yet he also felt bad for making his friend come over at this hour.

"Punz.." he jumped at the noise, he looked up to the tall man in front of him, brown eyes looking down on him sadly "what happened?"

"I- it's dumb, it's really dumb, i'm sorry Foolish, i'm sorry for making you come over, i-"

"Punz." Punz froze at that "i came over at my own free will, now what's got you so upset, buddy?"

"i miss my mom..." he whispered "like a lot, i can't help it."

"hey, there's nothing wrong with that-"

"you don't understand, i wish she was here to hold me, i want her to come home, i want her to come home and not leave me again."

"hey hey, your mom comes home tomorrow, i'll stay the night with you, yeah?" Punz nodded agains his chest as Foolish held him "go get your stuffies and i'll finish making your bed." Punz once again just simply nodded before running off to get his stuffies from his 'stuffie bag'.

Foolish finished the bed and pulled up Punz's comfort show on the laptop that was discarded on the coffee table, Punz came back into the room with his favourite stuffies, he handed Foolish one of them "Warm please?" Foolish nodded and went to heat the heating pad from inside the stuffie. (i have a stuffie like that, im not just making it up pls🥲)

When he got back Punz was snuggled under the covers, obviously waiting for Foolish to join him, once he settled down, Punz moved impossibly closer, shoving his face into Foolish's side.

Foolish had always known of Punz's separation anxiety, he didn't know it could get this bad though, he wished he could do something for his friend but the only thing that could fully calm him down was his mom.

He held back a sigh as a felt the familiar drip of tears on his hand, he just hugged Punz closer and wished for the night to be over, once mama Punz comes home he'll be okay, Foolish reminded himself, but for now he had Foolish and Foolish was gonna protect him.

"you're okay.." Foolish whispered as he settled for a night of no sleep, but that was okay, because as long as Punz didn't have to be alone, he didn't care what it cost him.


A familiar click of the door sounded out throughout the quiet house, Foolish and Punz were cuddled up to each other, having eventually passed out, the woman who had entered smiled at the sight, she was glad her boy had made it through the night.

The woman got started on some breakfast, trying her best not to wake the two sleeping soundly, she listened every time she heard a sound, she set the plates and was about to go check up on the boys when she heard the shuffling of feet.

"i'm home." she smiled as Punz charged towards her, almost knocking her off her feet as he hugged her tightly, not far behind Foolish appeared in the doorway.

"He missed you a lot." she chuckled at that, stroking Punz's hair.

"I know, I'm proud of him, thank you for being here, I know you mean a lot to him." she smiled as she pulled Foolish into the hug, he complied happily, after a few minutes Punz seemed to have forgotten his mom ever left and he was chatting happily while eating, if he was clutching foolish's hand under the table or not was irrelevant.


my bedroom is the livingroom so now Punz's bedroom must be the livingroom too 🙄✋

i wrote this at like 1am and it has not been proof read, and the plot might be a little wonky, but hey, im sad and miss my mom, i tried my best 🕺

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