Three, The Pond

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"No." Elliana said.

"Come on! It's easy." Jason said.


"Can we go now? We've been here for so long!" Alex groaned.

Elliana stared at him questionably. "It's been twenty minutes. And I'm not doing it." She said.

"Oh, it's fine. Perfectly safe." Jason said.

"Oh sure. Using a grappling hook to jump off the balcony of the ninth floor of a building! Sounds super safe!" Elliana said sarcastically.

"I've done it a million times." Jason said.

"How is that supposed to make me feel better?"

He shrugged. "I'm alive." He said.

"Still no. I don't want to die."

"It's safe. You're not going to die."

"And so tell me, how exactly am I not going to die?"

"Because I'll just strap it on and we'll climb down. Simple."

"I'm taking the stairs."

"There's no stairs to where we're going."

"Yes there is. There's stairs to the ground. And an elevator."

"Come on! This way is so much easier."

"Much." Elliana said, back to sarcasm.

"Glad we agree." Jason said.

"No we don't!" Elliana said. "What if I fall?"

"Trust me." Jason said.

"You're not helping."

"You don't trust me?"

"Um, heck no."

Jason laughed and grabbed her wrist. He pulled her towards the edge of the balcony and strapped a rope to her waist.

"Please." He said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why is it safe? Because it's just like a rock climbing wall. It's simple, and you look like a good climber."

"No, not that. Why were you so against me before, and now you're so convinced you need my help? Why?"

"It's..." He stuttered.

"It's what?" Elliana asked.

"It's that we wanted someone who would pity us. Help us, but solely because they pitied us. But you don't feel that way, do you? So maybe I should ask you why. Why do you want to help us?"

Elliana hesitated, even though she knew the answer. After a few moments, she decided to tell him.

"Because everyone needs help. Everyone needs help with something. Not everyone can be helped. Not everyone should be helped. It's rare to find both someone who you can help and who deserves help. So, a long time ago, I decided that if I found someone who fit the criteria, I would. It's the least I could do as a person who always gets help, whether it's actually important or not. Others deserve the same amount of help that I get." Elliana said.

Jason stared at her. He opened his mouth to say something, but then shut it again. He did it about nine times.

"Okay, fine." Elliana said. "I'll do it. I'll use the grappling hook. But I want you to know two things. One, never just stare at me like that. It scares me a little. Second, if I die, it's on you."

The Pond Of FlowersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang