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July 2nd, 1985 (where we left off.)

"Hey, Jane? We kinda need to talk."

Jane looked confused. "What's up, Mikey?"

Mike sighed this was going to be a difficult conversation. The voice in his head from last night came back, worse than before. You don't need to break up with her. She's a girl you like. You love. Don't break up with her! Be straight! His eyes started to water. Jane took his hand, but he pulled it away. "Jane, we need to break up."

The look on her face said it all. "Mike, what?" Now she was the one tearing up, and he just looked at his feet.

"I don't like you like that anymore, I'm sorry."

"But, Mike, we are happy! I love you!" Those words stung him. But he stood his ground.

"Jane... it isn't you. It's me! Just, just, I need to go." Mike stuttered, his face a deep crimson. "H-have a nice day." And with that, he walked out of the mall and left Jane crying in a crappy ice cream booth.

Jane was miserable. Her first boyfriend had just dumped her. She needed Max. Where had she gone? Why did she just leave with Will? Was- was she in on this? No that's stupid. Where are they- Jane's thoughts were interrupted when she saw the two of them in an empty store not nearly close to the McDonalds. They were just sitting there, talking. She had noticed that they were spending a lot of time together lately... it couldn't mean anything. She walked over to them but stopped abruptly when she noticed that they were holding hands. They couldn't be... no. They wouldn't. Jane would immediately want to know if her best friend and brother were hooking up, but Max had Lucas. And it wasn't like they were kissing.

"Max?" Jane asked, her voice quivering.

Max immediately took her hand off Will's. "What's up? Jane?"

Jane ran over and hugged her. "H-he broke up w-with me." And started sobbing. Max looked shocked, and so did Will.


"JaneIhadnoideaohmygosh-" Spilled out of Max and Will's mouths. They felt horrible blatantly lying, but she was Will's sister and Max's best friend, so they had to comfort her. Will wanted to start sobbing too, his feelings were all over the place, but he just hugged Jane and told himself to grow up. They walked out of the mall together, and went to Max's house.

Will was tired. They had gotten to Max's house 4 hours ago, and his voice was raspy from singing nonstop with the girls. Jane was feeling better, but he still felt numb. If Mike really cared, he would've told me he wasn't broken up with Jane yet. He cheated. With her brother. But I do like him... Will was having a full on crisis. He really liked Mike, but he just didn't know what to do now...

"Will! You... alright?" Max asked as Will snapped out of his trance.

"Can we-" he looked at Jane, who was sorting vinyls, "Can we talk?" Max must've gotten the vibe, as she nodded and dragged him out of the room. Jane looked around again as Tears for Fears started to play. She wondered what they kept doing... Max was her best friend, not Will's. She was fed up. She took Max's Supercom out of her dresser drawer, and signaled for Lucas.

"Lucas? It's Jane." Silence from the other end. "Lucas? LUCAS- oh, over."

"Yes, Jane? Over." He replies in a snarky tone, to which she rolls her eyes.

"I have something I think you would want to know. Uh, oh, over."

"Jane, what's up? You ok? Over."

She took a deep breath "Listen, I may be wrong, but I'm gonna lay this straight. I think Max is cheating on you... over."

Jane couldn't tell, but Lucas was dumbfounded on the other line.

"Lucas? You still there? Ove-" Jane was interrupted by Max and Will returning, his eyes puffy and red. Max's head was resting on Will's shoulder, and her eyes were a little red too. "Jane? Why do you have my Supercom?"

Jane put the antenna down and threw it on the bed. "Oh, Dustin and Lucas were just talking about some stupid stuff. I just took it out to shut them up." She gave a weak smile and shrugged.

Max looked suspiciously at her. "What did you hear?"

"Just stuff about DND." With that, Will's face finally perked up.

"My new campaign?"

Jane silently cursed to herself, why didn't I think of that? "Uh, yeah. Yeah! Will's new campaign. Something about..." She trailed off, hoping Will would finish that sentence. He did.

"The battle between the Warrior Dwarves and Elven People!" He happily sat down. Jane felt horrible, but listened to Will's monologue, whilst getting a distant look from Max. She fucked up, and she knew it. But she still wanted Lucas to know. So she ignored her nagging thoughts and just hung out with her step-brother and friend for the rest of the night. 

Jane noooo. also 20 reads what?! (most of them were me but idrc) anyways... stay tuned to see Lucas' reaction. ALSO. sorry I haven't updated in a while, i just am an unmotivated little shit who refuses to do anything.  toodles losers! <3 (p.s. i'm thinking of reddie? just a thought buttt.....)

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