Chapter 3 (Isabelle's POV)

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I woke up to hear Katherine crying. I picked her up and got her ready for the day. (Up at the top). We made our way downstairs and I started to make breakfast for everyone. I made eggs, pancakes, muffins, biscuits, fruit, coffee, orange juice, and milk were all put on the table for everyone to grab. I grabbed Katherine and we started to wake everyone up. I first walked to my room to wake up Harley. "Harley, time to wake up. Breakfast time." I called to her. It took a couple more seconds before she shot up and said I'm up I'm up. I told her to get ready for the day then come down for breakfast. Next, I went to Jackson's room to get him. "Wake up little devil. Breakfast is ready." I said to try and wake him up. He just said "five minutes." "If you don't get up now you won't get any muffins." After I said that he wouldn't get any muffins he shot like he was electrocuted. Next, I had to wake up Daemian. "Daemian wake up. Breakfast time," I told. He replied with he was already awake I just hummed at that. Then I had to go Xander's to get him up then to the guestrooms to wake up the Mikaelsons. "Xander time to get your a** up. Breakfast time." "Ok, I'm getting up right this second." I walked back down stairs to go and wake the Mikaelsons. I walked up to the room Rebekah was in. "Bekah time to get up I made breakfast." "I'm up and what's for breakfast." "Food, come on we have e to go and wake up your brothers before breakfast is gone." We walked to the room that was right next to her room. "How do you want to do this?" We could throw water on him." "That's a great idea here hold Katherine while I get the ice water." I handed her Katherine and ran to go get the ice water from the bar then I ran back. "Here I got the water." "Good now go dump it on him." "What no he's your brother." "Fine take Katherine back." So I traded her the water for Katherine. "Have fun because we have to wake up three more after this." "We have to get them in on it after we do it them." "Of course now go." She went in with me following behind her. I turns out it was Kohl's room this will be fun. She dumped the cup on him and he shot up. I and Rebekah doubled over in laughter because that was just funny. "What the bloody h*** Rebekah." "Hey, language there are children present," I said. When he looked over at his eyes softened. "Ok anyway we have three more brothers to prank and wake up and breakfast is ready." "What do you mean we have three more brothers to prank?" Kol asked. "Well we still have to wake up Klaus Elijah and Finn so why not prank them." "Get up, we have to go and I also have work today." We walked over the the room that was a crossed from Kol's. "So what are you guys going to do?" They looked at me like I'm crazy. Which I kinda am but for another time I guess. "What?" "I think we should do makeup." "That's a great idea Bekah. I'll go get my makeup." I walked away from them to go to room. When I got back Kol and Bekah tried not to giggle and chuckle while as we walked into his room. As we were walking in there I found out it was Klaus' room. I told Kol and Rebekah to do his makeup. After we done I took some pictures. When the flash went off he woke up really the flash not the makeup brushes on his skin. "What are you guys doing in my room?" Klaus questioned us. "We needed to wake you up," I said. That's when Kol bad Bekah broke from laughter. "Well get up, breakfast is done and you guys have Eto go a day wake Elijah and Finn." I said. "Where are you going?" Questioned Rebekah. "I'm going to wake up my siblings again." I walked out the door and up the stairs up to Jackson's room and found that he was still asleep. "Jackson Mark Carter wake up right now." He shot up and looked around. "Ok I'm up go away." Next I walked to Daemian's room and still sleep also. "Damian Alexander Miller wake up tight this minute." "Ok I'm up." After that I walked to Xander's room and he was also asleep I swear I'm going to get air horns to wake them up. "Xander Noah Thomas Blake up now." "I'm up I'm up." "Good now get dressed I have work soon and you need to watch Katherine today." I walked out of his from and down stairs to the dining room. I put Katherine in her high chair and went to the kitchen to make her oatmeal. I heard footsteps coming my way and looked up to see the Mikaelsons. "Breakfasts on the table everyone else should be down in a few minutes of I'll have to throw water on them." They walked away to the dining room. Once Katherine's oatmeal was finished cooking and cooling I walked out to see Rebekah playing with her. "Bekah you want to feed her I have to go wake up my siblings again." She looked shocked but nodded her head nonetheless.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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