Chapter 6 ‪

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"We should probably sit down and allow Chase to explain." April was the first to speak. Ramee was still standing by the door as he processed the situation.

"Chase?" Ramee looked at her inquisitively. Since when did anyone call him that? When did they even meet? Why hadn't anyone mentioned anything? He looked at the young boy accusingly. Surely he should have been able to put it together by now.

"Uh..." The boy froze. Staring wide eyed at the two parental figures. Ramee had his arms crossed as he stared down at him. Bleach felt a wave of embarrassment and fear. There wasn't a place for him to escape. The Vulture was blocking the door. "Chase?" April's soft voice came from behind him. The redhead looked at him worryingly. She clearly was able to piece things together. She didn't even seem upset but he was scared to face her disappointment.

"Are you going to fucking talk today or in ten years?" Ramee snapped. He sounded annoyed that nobody was answering his questions. Bleach felt overwhelmed. The boy hadn't cried in years but he felt the salty sting from the back of his eyes. The lump in his throat was making it harder for him to breathe. It was almost comical to think about; the boy who helped lead one of the gangs under CG was crying that his parents were upset with him. That was, if they still wanted to be his parents.

April watched as the boy switched between shock and panic. He was breathing in an out rapidly as if the air could not reach his lungs. His eyes darted from the door behind Ramee. To the window behind her. Back to his bedroom.

He was contemplating where to run to.

"What the fuck is going on with you?" April had spent enough time with the man to know that he was worried about the kid but his voice was biting. It was easy to empathize.

Growing up, April and her younger brother March were both handed over to nannies who took care of them and disciplined them. The nanny that took care of her was a scary old woman and she was fearful of upsetting her. The fearful expression in Chase's face reminded her of those days. The only difference was his was a mixture of fear and preparation to be disappointed. The boy looked like he was bracing himself for the end of the world. She supposed that was normal with teens. They often think their problems are a lot bigger than they actually are. If only they could talk it out calmly.

She tried to reach for the boy but he fled to his room the second she moved suddenly. The door slammed followed by the sound of a lock.


They both ran to stand outside his door.

"Chase. Open the door." She said softly. This could have been sorted out easily if everyone just sat down and talked. Bleach may have had power in Street Team and he may have been notorious shooter but he was still a kid. His reaction to everyone finally being in the same room was a testament to that.

"Bleachypoopoo." She knocked. Loud enough that he could have heard it but not so much that it would scare him. The woman ignored Ramee's confused stare as she went on her knees to check underneath the door. The space beneath the door was far too small for her to see into his room but at least she could be able to tell if he was near the door.

"Do something." She hissed at Ramee, who was just standing there like an idiot. The man stupidly knocked on the door and threatened to have the it removed. At his words they could hear his breathing increase followed by shuffling.

April realized that he would probably jump out of the window and run away whenever he realized that it was possible. So she went outside, barefoot.

"April!" Ramee yelled when he saw the woman leave the home. What was she doing? Where was she going?

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