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Kyungsoo hums a song to himself as he waits for the movie to start. He puts his feet on top of the coffee table, trying to push away D.O's imaginary figure on his head lecturing him about manners. Kyungsoo was glad that his brother decided to go meet a friend after he cancelled on their double date with the Kim twins. He grabs his phone and sends a quick text to Baekhyun, offering the latter if he and Chanyeol wanted to watch a movie with him.

He turns off the light for the thrill of watching horror movies and grabs his nachos. It had been almost twenty minutes into the movie when Kyungsoo's phone buzzes from the table. He quickly pauses the movie and dives for his cellphone, frowning when he sees a chat notification instead of a reply from his friend. He sighs but opens it anyway.

1 new chat notification! Kyungsoo furrows his eyebrows. He rarely gets chat notifications from this app, only having family members and some students from his university to know his account. He clicks at the notification and sees an unknown username trying to chat with him. Kyungsoo was about to ignore the contact when he sees his icon. He groans from his seat and stares up the television, frowning at the frozen image of a girl hiding from the monster on the large screen. Kyungsoo sighs and decided to read what he sent.

letoutthebeast: hi kyungsoo

oh, this is kai c;

why'd u cancel on our date??? is there a problem?

oh yeah! i got ur acc from d.o!! let's chat

hyungg :c

are you even online?? it says that you are

i'm craving for ice cream ;_; let's get ice cream together

"What the heck?" Kyungsoo mutters to himself as he reads the chat. He didn't know Kai was that annoying (and cute). He contemplates a reply for a minute before giving up and deciding to not reply at all when a new notification pops up. It's a message from Kai again.

letoutthebeast: hyung r u mad at me???

pls don't

i'm really sorry if i pissed u off

u were just so cute

i'm sorry pls forgive me :c

Kyungsoo chuckles at his childishness and replies.

kyeongseu: What are you talking about?

I'm not mad..?

letoutthebeast: oMIGOD YOU REPLIED

kyeongseu: What is it, Kai? I'm watching a movie. Could you just tell me what you want to say?

letoutthebeast: i hate weekends hyung

nini is mean :c

let's eat ice cream together please

Kyungsoo frowns. He didn't really want to get up today. A text from Baekhyun suddenly arrived saying that he and Chanyeol can't come because they're watching a parade and he replies with a simple okay. He opens the chat application from his phone again and gets back to Kai.

kyeongseu: I'm really not in the mood, Kai. Let's talk later. I have to finish this movie.

The small brunette sighs and turns his phone off. He grabs the remote beside him and plays the movie again. His phone buzzes a few times but he decided to check it out after the chase scene in the movie where the girl hides in a closet. He chuckles at her wrong choice when his phone buzzes again, a few minutes after the last two. Kyungsoo peeks out of his pillow shield and opens it, only to see chat notifications from the same person. He opens it immediately, trying to drown out the sounds of a girl screaming in the background because he's too lazy to pause the movie himself.

letoutthebeast: okay hyung c:

i'll go there now and accompany you

i'm gonna use my mom's car so i can get there faster lol see u

Kyungsoo's eyes widen. He suddenly stands up and looks out the window. He knew that he lives close to Kai's house. It was only a few blocks away. He bit his lower lip out of habit when he sees a car park in front of his house.

His phone buzzes from his hands and he quickly looks at the chat notification, fingers trembling as he clicks the application. He looks out the window again. A man was coming out of the driver's seat.

letoutthebeast: i'm here with ice cream c;

"Seriously?" Kyungsoo says as he watches Kai ring the doorbell, holding a tub of ice cream in his other hand.


Note: I wanted a cute Kai. Sorry not sorry. Kai's usernmae was supposed to be "chickai" because chicken + kai. Eh, push.

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