CHAPTER 7 No recall

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Art Credits: @telamii_ on twitter
⚠️Chapter contains gore/mentioning of blood⚠️

The clock read 8 AM when Y/N woke up, she groaned. "5 hours of sleep, I'm gonna cry..can't wait to work." She rolled over, stuffing her face into her pillow before she sat up and looked around her dimly lit room. The curtains waved between the light breeze coming from Y/N's window which blew her hair into her face, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She yanked the blanket off of her and piled out of bed to get ready for the day.
Y/N washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put her hair in a low bun; She got her uniform on and walked downstairs where she grabbed her vision and polearm before walking out the door.
Y/N made her way downtown to stop at good hunter. She greeted Sara and ordered breakfast.
"Just the usual, Please." Y/N smiled, handing Sara a bundle of mora. Sara nodded and prepared some Pancakes and tea while Y/N patiently sat at one of the tables.
The city was loud and full of bustling even in the early morning, and although Y/N cherished company and preferred to be around her friends, she enjoyed some partial alone time, especially downtown. The bustle of Mondstadt... to her it was almost peaceful- but that peace was soon disrupted when footsteps approached her from behind and a cold hand touched her shoulder. She turned around to be met by Kaeya, her face inches from his as he bent down to meet her eyes.
"Good morning, You were late to the meeting this morning, Jean wanted me to go look for you and tell you that we're partners for todays expedition." He said as he stood up straight though keeping his eyes locked on Y/N's. She didn't say anything and turned around to finish her pancakes. Kaeya rolled his eyes and turned to sit at the table. "You know, we don't have forever, we should be out at our post by now." He bickered. Y/N sighed heavily as she set her fork down and looked up at Kaeya, narrowing her eyes. She pushed her chair out and stood up, "Okay, fine. Let's go." She said and they walked to the stables.

They rode out to their post, the entire ride was silent which absolutely killed Y/N. She felt scared to breathe, like she was walking on eggshells. The tension carried on until they arrived at their post, but Y/N decided to say something.
"What's your problem? You haven't said anything to me besides good morning and "You're eating too slow blahbalah." She spoke. "Are you mad at me? Did I do something? Did I eat my pancakes too slow for you? Bitch, talk to me."
Kaeya got off his horse, a sly grin on his face while he looked at the ground. He shook his head as he walked off, and Y/N trotted after him. She turned her horse before him and cut him off.
"Kaeya!" She protested.
"Don't act dumb," Kaeya scoffed, "god, I can still smell his cologne on you."
"Oh, so that's what this is about? You're mad cause I was with Diluc?"
"Yes, Y/N! You say you hate him one minute then hang out with him the next. And what about me?" He looks up at Y/N as she gets off her horse.
"What about you, Kaeya." She spat.
"I- he hates me, how much do you think this is gonna fuck up our relationship?"
"Not everything has to be about you all the time! Can't you be happy that Diluc and I are finally getting along again after YEARS of not talking?!"
"This isn't just about me it's about us!" He yelled.
Silence. Y/N's mouth was left speechless, her lips parted but no sound came out. She looked down at her feet and turned to her horse, her jaw was clenched and she shook her head. "I'm gonna scout the area." She mumbled, pulling the reins and walking away. Kaeya stared after her, anger and disappointment on his face. "Fuck, god damn it Kaeya.." He groaned, rubbing his hand over his face.
He yanked on his horses' reins and walked the opposite direction- far, far the opposite direction.

Y/N continued to walk around her post, looking for potential threats or new discoveries. She stopped walking when she felt something slide underneath her feet and took a step back. It was an abyss mages' scroll, scribbled with words Y/N couldn't make out. She picks up the paper and stuffs it in her pocket, and as she stood up she heard a wicked laugh from behind her. Before she could pull out her weapon, a sharp ice shard was shot through her leg. She screamed in agony, collapsing on the ground, and Kaeya was too far away to hear it.
Y/N glared at the wound in her leg and back up at the Abyss mage. She gritted her teeth and pulled on the ice shard, yanking it out. Blood came pouring out of her leg, she tried to stand up but her vision soon became blurry and her movement was unstable. She stumbled forward in an attempt to attack the mage but she was to slow, another ice shard flew towards her and pierced her chest. She tumbled over on the dirt and looked up as the blurry sky started fading to black, and flying above her was an eagle. It circled over her before flying away.


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