Where am I ?

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Y/n's pov

As I lay there lying in pitch black darkness, the only thing I can remember was  Lia calling out my name. As I recall the occurrence that unfolded right before my eyes, I was being sucked into the portal and now I am in a black void. At first I thought it was a dream or a nightmare but it took a turn when I suddenly realized it wasn't. It was really happening. I tried my best to compose myself from being afraid but the only emotion I felt was uncertainty. I was hugging myself for support because in truth, I wasn't sure if was ever gonna get out of the dark void. As a few more minutes passed, I wasn't aware that tears started to roll down my face but as I started to wipe them away I noticed a glowing light. The place where the glowing light came from was a flower path filled with beautiful flowers and butterflies giving vibrant light and colors in the void. I stood there amazed at the sight before me and started to walk towards the flower path. 

No one pov

As princess y/n follows the flower path to the end, she notices a door decorated with flowers and comes to a stop. "I wonder where this leads to ?", she said. Then suddenly, her pendant started to glow making the flowers glow bright and in that instant she grabbed the door knob and opened it seeing a a warm glow on the other side and without hesitation she entered.

 Then suddenly, her pendant started to glow making the flowers glow bright and in that instant she grabbed the door knob and opened it seeing a a warm glow on the other side and without hesitation she entered

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(This is what the door with flowers look like but don't mind the chair and pots and also it's night time on the other side of the door.)

Once she stepped into the door, she couldn't feel anything but being a little dizzy. So she closed her eyes and in an instant drifted off to sleep but more likely she became unconscious.

A few hours passed

Y/n's pov

As I lay there lying with eyes closed , I felt like this is the exact thing that happened when I got sucked into the portal but it feels a little bit different though. Suddenly I realized that the surface my body was lying on was a bit fluffy. Until I opened my eyes and realized I was not in the dark void anymore but in a beautiful garden.

 Until I opened my eyes and realized I was not in the dark void anymore but in a beautiful garden

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(this is the garden you woke up to and saw, beautiful isn't it?) anyways back to the story.

"Wowwwww, this garden is so beautiful, but, wait! where am I?". "I don't think I'm in the void anymore so, am I back home?"

No ones pov

As y/n starts to stand up she notices that she wasn't in just any beautiful garden but rather a garden that belonged to a beautiful, unique mansion. As she was looking around she saw a door that lead into the mansion. "Maybe. I should go inside and ask for help? Or I should try and figure out where I am, myself but it wouldn't hurt to ask right?" she said to herself calmly until her senses tingled in a way to warn her of danger coming. 

On the other hand her predecessor stood there looking at her with golden eyes as if ready to attack it's prey.

Sorry see u in the next chapter!!!

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