Chapter 1

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"Vix, wake up!" My older sister, Rose, called. "The entrance exams are soon, and you really don't want to be late." I groaned, rubbing my face. She was right, this is something I can't afford to miss. 

"Alright, alright," I called back, flicking my light on. "I'm up." I heard Rose mutter something before she stomped back downstairs. Pushing myself off the bed, I stretched the sleep out of my body before slipping into the bathroom to shower. 

The water rushed down my body, efficiently waking up the rest of me. I began to quickly scrub my skin. I had to hurry if I didn't want to miss the entrance exam. Once I finished, I stepped out of the shower and dried off. 

I flipped my head down, wrapping my hair in a towel and squeezing it out before moving to the hardest part to dry. 

My wings. Yep, you heard me. wings. 12ft, fluffy, brown, falcon wings if we're being technical. 

That's my quirk, falcon. In simple terms, I can do anything a falcon can. Extra good eyesight, quick reaction times. Black, diamond-hard nails that resemble talons that I can unsheathe and sheathe at will. And, obviously, the wings. 

My body is built different than most peoples'. My bones are stronger and lighter, holding a more aerodynamic structure. This is what actually allows me to take off. My lungs are also adapted to breathing in thinner air, meaning I can fly high with little risk. 

Typically, I can reach speeds of about 200mph, but when I dive that increases to 240mph. It all depends on wind and angle, though. 

My family, which consists of me, my mom, my dad, and my older sister all have quirks that revolve around birds. 

My dads quirk is called bird whisperer. It's exactly what it sounds like. He can talk to birds. My mom's quirk is called bird morph. Again, it's what it sounds like. She can turn into any type of bird as long as she has studied its anatomy and such. 

She used to be a hero, but after having me and my sister, she decided to quit to keep us safe. She now works at an aviary and helps out with the birds. 

My sisters quirk is a mixture of both my parents quirks, unlike me who got a specific bird. She can talk to birds and turn into them, which is pretty awesome. It's also the reason why she's on the hero charts. Only in the top 100, but it's still good.

Both my sister and my mom have a little thing with their quirks. They both have patches of shiny feathers all over their bodies. Both are insecure about it, but really I think it's cool. I always make sure to assure them that there's nothing to worry about. 

Speaking of heroes. I am about to be late. 

I gave up trying to towel dry my wings and decided to just shake them off like a dog (not my proudest moment..). I brushed my hair before tying it up into a ponytail. Tugging a black shirt and leggings on, i finished my look by doing some eyeliner to pull the look together. 

Checking the time on my phone, I saw that I had 20 minutes to spare. I could get to UA in about 5 minutes if I rushed. 

Quickly, I ran downstairs, accidentally sliding into my sister who was walking out of the kitchen. She flashed me a grin, ruffling my hair and messing up my ponytail. I scowled at her.

"Going to be late?" she asked, seeing how I was rushing a little more than usual. "I told you to set an alarm." I rolled my eyes. 

"Tell me something I don't know," I shot back, grabbing an apple from the kitchen. She laughed, scratching absentmindedly at a patch of feathers on her neck.

Sinking my teeth into the skin of the apple, I rushed to the door, walking out onto the driveway. My feet hit the pavement as I spread my wings, readying for takeoff. Technically, quirk use wasn't illegal as long as it didn't interfere with others' lives, so I was allowed to fly places. 

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