supposed to be mine

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Jungeun has never liked the idea of soulmates. Someone you're bound to for life sounds like a chore.

Her soulmate doesn't end up being anything less than perfect. Doesn't mean it's not complicated though.

supposed to be mine

Jungeun didn't like the idea that she needed a guy to make her life fulfilling. The idea was everywhere, in movies and books, sometimes it seemed like all her friends could talk about. When are you going to meet the person who gives you purpose? When are you going to start the rest of your life?

She hated it. Why couldn't she be enough on her own? Why couldn't she be happy doing what she wanted to do, finding her happiness without someone else to tie her down? Jungeun wanted to be more than someone else's other half, the woman behind some man. Everyone else seemed to treat the idea as romantic, but Jungeun couldn't help but think the idea of soulmates was more of a prison than a blessing.

"Don't you want someone to love you?" Jiwoo, one of her best friends and hopeless romantic, had asked her once. They had been sitting on the couch in their shared apartment, stuffing themselves with ice cream and rewatching a soapy 2000s rom-com. "Someone who stays with you regardless of your flaws, appreciates everything that you are? I remember feeling the first spark with Chanyeol, how my soulmate marking lit up-"

"If I have to hear the story of you and your boyfriend meeting one more time, I might be sick," Heejin, their third roommate, said from the other side of the couch. "Besides, it's got nothing on me and Hansol, it was straight out of a fairy tale-"

"Both of you are awful," Jungeun concurred.

"Well soon you'll have a story to tell of your own," Jiwoo tugged on her arm, smiling as if she knew something Jungeun didn't.

"Or not, Jungeun never goes out and meets guys," Heejin teased her.

"I have my degree to focus on," Jungeun insisted, crossing her arms. "I'm not losing my scholarship because I was out partying with you guys all the time,"

"We literally go to the same college, Jungie. You're not going to fail if you just indulge us a couple of times," Jiwoo pouted. "Please? Then we'll stop pestering you about it,"

Jungeun sighed. "Promise?"


That was what made Jungeun cringe the most. The first touch story.

Everyone she knew had a marking somewhere on their body, pitch black but otherwise unnoticeable on the skin. Some people had handprints on their arms, on their backs, and some had large patches on their shoulders, Jungeun had even seen a girl with a handprint on her face once. It was where your soulmate would touch you first, and according to Heejin and Jiwoo, the markings would start to bloom with color and everything would seem more vibrant. You'd feel an inexplicable pull to your soulmate, and everywhere he touched you there would be faint markings of that same bloom of color. Heejin's was bright pink, she'd seen the faintest traces of it on Heejin's hands when she and Hansol had taken a stroll by the Han River. Jiwoo's was a mellow peach, and sometimes she'd come home to the apartment with her face lightly dappled with peach kisses all over her face.

Their first touch markings also disappeared after they'd met their soulmates, which had been a huge relief to Heejin since hers was huge. Crashing into Hansol was one of the most embarrassing Heejin moments Jungeun had ever witnessed, but post-Hansol Heejin was also a constant embarrassment Jungeun was forced to live with.

She loved them, even if they were super annoying about the soulmate thing. Her definition of a fun night out did not include any guys, minus the ones in her friends' lives. They were a little grating when they were with their other halves, but Jungeun liked to talk to guys who she knew weren't trying to get in her pants.

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