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i don't have any interest in your differing opinions or pet theories;i've already locked the door

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i don't have any interest in your differing opinions or pet theories;
i've already locked the door

She continued leading you around the store, showing you the different collections and features of everything

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She continued leading you around the store, showing you the different collections and features of everything. Every automation was individually made by hand, with some help of machines.

She even gave you a leaflet, that had a brief description of every one of the automations. You scanned it over, reading all of the different features.

'Every automation can be used for sexual activities.'

Huh? Since when would that be necessary... who the fuck would.. oh.

Your thoughts surfaced onto the realisation that not everyone was out to buy these automations for curiosity or chaste reasons.

That the truth is, the main buyers and investors in a company like this would be disgusting, degenerate adults with a fetish for an illusion of girls and boys.

It made you feel a little sick to your stomach remembering who the target audience was exactly.

"Have you decided on the automation you'd like to buy?"

"Which would you recommend?"

"Depends.. all of them specialise in something. We usually recommend 'NOELLE'." she explained," she specialises in average house chores such as cleaning and cooking."

"That sounds like something I'd need. Is she high maintenance?" you asked. You wouldn't have minded too badly either way, you weren't all too bad when it came to tools and mechanics.

"Nope! She will only need a checkup every 6 months, just bring her in every 6 months-ish, and we'll make sure everything is in order."

"Alright, sounds good. I'll buy her. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"She's an assistance automation, meaning she can be very helpful. Just make sure to set all the preference settings beforehand."

"OK. Thank you for telling me.. what's the price?"

"$1000. No additional fees, apart from the maintenance check-ups."

'Huh? That's not what the advertisements said.'

Why did she lower the price for you so much. . . it was a hefty discount.

She smiled knowingly and brought you to the checkout, and placed your order. Leaving the store and hauling the huge box into your car proved a little difficult, but it was no outstanding problem.

If the price was that low in the future, you wouldn't mind buying a few more. After all, these are the new technologies of the century, it would be a shame if you didn't try more than just one out..

'Man.. some of those other models did look pretty good- that harbinger line, oh! And that archon set-'

'Stop! No! You're falling into her trap [y/n]! keep it together.' You thought to yourself. You wouldn't blow all your money on automated fake-people. . . would you?


When you were back home, you couldn't wait to power on the droid. You read the manual, it gave out a few basic commands alongside some tricks and tips.

"Ah.. Noelle, power on." you commanded. You felt almost nervous, why? It's not like they were real people.

"Hello, user, please state your name." Noelle said. Her voice was sweet and felt genuine, well, as genuine as you could get for an automation.

Shit, now those 'AI will take over the world' stories didn't sound so unrealistic. . .

You felt yourself almost caught by surprise by it. It's not like this is the first time you've heard an automation speak, why were you so surprised. . .

"Oh! Shit.. uhm."

"Setting name as 'Shit'.." it responded.

"NONONO, cancel."

"Cancelling.. please restate your name."

"[Y/N] [L/N]

"Good evening [y/n]. please state what you would like me to do as your preferences!"

It's mannerisms were also human-like. She blinked periodically and her chest would move as though she really was breathing.

The only thing off putting was the eyes. Normally you can tell emotion from someone's eyes. But you couldn't tell what thoughts were behind those eyes.

They were yellow-green, and olive-like. Eyes are the windows to the soul; these fakes had none. Peering into them, you saw not even a glimmer of humanity.

It was like a permanent poker-face. Uncanny. Somehow, Clarissa had managed to get the iris of the eyes really realistic. Beautiful, and almost human. Just, almost.

It scared you a little. Fuck, it scared you a lot. Beautiful eyes, but lifeless. Like one of those pretty dolls that still scared you no matter how cutesy it was dressed.

"I'd like you to clean the house and help with some Gardening . . "

"Thank you. Your preferences are set."

"Read out your user guide." you earnestly tried to use the voice commands for the first time, already pleasantly surprised by the advanced level of these automations.

"OK, [Y/n]. User Guide 2023. . . "


You were overall satisfied with your purchase. Noelle usually just did household chores. You didn't usually attempt to make conversation, it felt embarrassing.

You felt like a total loser talking to robots and not actual people. That's like, borderline delusional, shut-in behaviour . . ?

Every time your friends would come over, they would ogle at her and praise how cool it was. They all considered getting one themselves, but you gatekeeped the seller . . .

This was your special thing now. These automated doll thingies.

AUTOMATION ; g. impact [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now