The Toxic Woman

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A woman dying of cancer is brought into the emergency room of a hospital. When nurses attempt to get a blood sample, toxic fumes escape from the women's blood. Within minutes, each of the nurses that handled the blood sample and attempted to identify the strange odor coming from it began to complain of being lightheaded and to lose consciousness. Some found when they awoke that they had no control over the movement of their limbs. 23 members of the emergency room staff were found to suffer at least one symptom from being in contact with the ill patient. Investigators have spent years trying to figure out the exact cause of the poisonous gasses emanating from the woman, with mixed results. A deadly combination of chemicals is said to have been accidentally created, the result of various medications and topical ointments used by the patient to treat various symptoms of cancer.

Truth: This took place on February 19th, 1994 when 31-year-old Gloria Ramirez was admitted to the General Hospital in the southern California city of Riverside.

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