Smooth Operator~Triple H

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The first day in the office was never the easiest, especially this very day. No one else was as nervous as I was. Unfortunately, my office was the closest to director Hunter Levesque's office.

A ringing was heard from my phone as I picked it up, hearing his voice. "Y/N, do you have a moment or two? I know it's your first day, but there's a project that you're qualified for that nobody else is." My jaw dropped.

"Of course, I'll bring pen and paper and I'll be right there, sir. Thank you." He chuckled, "Call me Hunter." He hung up. Hunter? Why would I call him that?

I walked into his office, shutting the door behind when he signaled me to. "Good morning sir. How are you?" When I looked up from my papers, he was staring at me. I raised my eyebrow a bit and grabbed my pen.

"What project are we speaking of? Shawn VS Kurt again? Or maybe The Rock against Mick Foley?" He clasped his hands together and sighed. "Y/N, I don't know if you'd be interested in this, nor willing to do this, but I truly believe you'd be a wonderful wrestler."

"Me? Why?" "Well, you do know that if you've taken these classes and lessons they're put on your record, right? I've seen some of the stunts you've pulled. I'm truly impressed. Vince has also been eyeing your mini matches. Not to mention, you've beaten many luchadoras."

I was starstruck. My first day and I'm being offered a wrestling job instead of a tacky office job. "Hunter I-..." he leaned in, "You'll be a star. The best female wrestler there is." I was hesitant to the offer, but I accepted with a handshake.

3 years later...

"Our WWE winner for the Royale Rumble is Y/N!!!" I celebrated my victory as I walked away an absolute winner. Waiting backstage for me was the Triple H and Vince McMahon. "You've truly come a long way. You're the most famous female wrestler in WWE history!" Vince said with pride.

Suddenly, a huge chair was taken to my back as I was knocked out. Trish Stratus...

I woke up in a cold sweat. Where was I? The smell of brown sugar flooded the room. I heard humming in the distance as I got up and investigated. I gasped when I realized I was only in a T-shirt when the mysterious man turned around, only for my eyes to meet Hunter's.

"When did I get here? What happened? Why am I half naked? Did I drink?" He laughed at my confused state as he turned around the corner, walking towards me in just his underwear. I blushed madly and put my hands over my eyes.

"Uncover them, Y/N." "But, you're naked- you're my boss! I can't do this, I'll get fired!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me, "Y/N, we didn't sleep together for gods sake. I slept on the couch so you could be comfy after your beating."

My eyes widened. "Beating? What the hell happ-OUCH!" Blood dripped from my back as Hunter picked me up gently, placing me on the bed. "This is exactly why I haven't put you in any No Holds Barred matches. I never wanted to see you hurt, in pain. Trish jumped you after your match last night. You had to get emergency stitches. Unfortunately, we couldn't do a thing because WWE doesn't have intergender wrestling."

"Isn't that awful? I wish it existed. I've wanted to kick Shawn's ass for so long." He chuckled, "Oh, Eddie would be a better bet." "Hunter, you're only saying that because you, him, and Chyna are in DX." He held my face, "You're right."

Hunter helped me stitch back up. For a few weeks, I stayed at his place to recover. He would come back every day and nurse me back to health with his caretaker instinct.

He walked in and stripped for a shower. I stared as every single piece of clothing hit the ground. "Why haven't you asked me out yet?" He stopped when he was about to take off his underwear.

"Y/N, I never wanted to because you're so independent. I knew if I asked you out you'd say some stuff along the lines of, "I don't need a man" or "You're my boss!", y'know?"

I opened the sheets, exposing my bare body, "You'll never know until you ask..." He walked towards me and pinned me down, whispering against my neck, "Will you, the most independent woman I know, be my lover? My one and only?" I hummed in pleasure, "Of course, Hunter."

He got off of me and hopped in the shower. I'd seen every side of this man. Onstage and backstage.

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