Waking Up pt2

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After what felt like ages but only about 10 minutes in the shower, I hopped out reaching for my towel in the steam filled air. I wrapped the towel around my body and began blow drying my hair. After five or so minutes it was dry. I plugged in my 180 dollar flat iron turned it on to 360°f.

While I waited for my flat iron to heat up I raided my closet for something to wear. I found some AEO skinny jeans, a tie dye BlackMatter 'Normal is Boring' shirt and my black vans. I walked back to the bathroom to flat iron my hair, which took all of 15 minutes, I also brushed my teeth, put on deodorant. Next thing was my contacts, shoving a small piece of plastic in your eye is always fun. I walked into my room grabbing my phone and shoving it's charger into my book bag. I was arguing with myself if I should wait to do my make up in the car or not. I finally walked back into the bathroom to unplug my flat iron, and put on some foundation, neutral eyes shadow, and eye liner.

I yelled for my mom to see if she was ready, being only 14 I can't drive yet so I had to wait on her. She walked into the living room 'Yeah, let's go.' She said dully. I could tell she wasn't happy with my clothing choices, she never is or will be. I sighed to myself as I walked out the door and to the car.

I grabbed my ear phones from my back pack, a necessity when on the road or in school. I plugged them into my phone and went through my playlist finding that one song that fit my mood. I decided to listen to 'Fake It- Seether'. I stared out the window trying to sleep a bit, but to no avil my mom wanted to talk to me. 'Wha-wha-wha...you never blah-blah' was all I heard from her. I guess she got angry cause she ripped my ear phone out of my ear. 'What was that for' I glare at her. She doesn't respond so I put it back in and by that time I was at school. 'Bye love you' my mom called after my 'bye love you to' I say sliding out of the car and onto the walk way to hell. 'This should be fun' I say walking up the steps and through the front doors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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