Her Diary [Hop x Sami]

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"I don't know, I don't think he's quite that bad anymore," Sami said, staring down at her hands in her lap. Her and Hop were sitting in the grass, enjoying the drinks they had gotten before going on a walk together. They were speaking about Bede, whom they had ran into outside the cafe they just visited.

"I guess, but he still can be a huge jerk," Hop replied, still not too keen on the platinum-haired boy. Even though he has changed a lot since being taken in by Opal, Hop's overall opinion on him hasn't. "Y'know, if it wasn't for you, I'd never go within 10 yards of that guy. You're too sweet for your own good, mate." Sami's face turned pink at his comment, but she just giggled slightly and didn't say anything.

Sami's attention was taken away from her friend and her racing heart by a notification on her Rotom phone. It was a text from Marnie, reading "Where are you?" She instantly starting panicking.

"Oh gosh! I totally forgot I was supposed to meet Marnie a half hour ago! I'm so sorry, Hop, I have to leave," the brown haired girl explained as she frantically stood up and grabbed her backpack, not paying attention to make sure all of the compartments were closed. "I'll see you later!" She yelled as she started sprinting in the direction of Spikemuth, turning around quickly to wave at Hop.

"Oh, bye Sami!" Hop chuckled at how forgetful she could be. He looked at where she was sitting, and noticed that a book was laying there. He picked it up, and upon closer inspection, it was Sami's diary. "It must've fell out of her bag," he thought, hoping that she wouldn't be looking for it any time soon. Hop noticed that a photo was sticking out of one of the pages. He paused for a moment, contemplating whether he should look at it. He didn't want to invade her privacy, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious. To make it worse, the photo seemed to be one of him and Sami. Hop figured it wouldn't hurt to just see the photo, especially if he was in it anyway. He opened the journal to the page with the photo, and saw that it was indeed a photo of him and Sami. It was taken by his mother right after the two of them had gotten their Pokémon from Leon. He smiled to himself, recalling how excited they were that day.

Curiosity was starting to get the best of him, however, when he looked at the page the photo was tucked in. It was written on, and he noticed his name written a few times. He felt terrible for wanting to read it, but if Sami never knew, it couldn't hurt, right? After a moment of contemplation, he decided to just read a little bit. Sami wasn't there, she would never know. Hop moved the photo aside so he could see the page completely. Written in glittery pink gel pen was:

Dear Diary,

Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh GOSH. I should NOT be feeling like this. I don't know what to do. I've noticed I've been feeling a lot more nervous and fidgety around Hop lately. Ever since the day we got our Pokémon from Leon, I've felt this way. Before I got Sobble and he got Scorbunny, when we were walking to meet Leon, a wild Pokémon jumped out at us, and not gonna lie it kinda scared me. Hop noticed and was so adamant on telling me he'll protect me, and he and Wooloo were able to chase it away. And then I felt it, like a million Butterfree fluttering through my bloodstream. At first, I assumed that weird feeling was nerves. It'd make sense, I mean with a startle like that AND the excitement of starting the Gym Challenge with the cute new Pokémon Leon brought us? Whose stomach WOULDN'T be flipping all around? But that feeling never went away whenever I was with Hop. Whenever I saw him, I just felt the uncontrollable urge to smile like an idiot. It confused me for so long, but I realized...

I'm in love with Hop. Deeply and undeniably in love with him. I think I loved him LONG before that day, but I guess that's what really did it for me. I shouldn't be feeling like this. We're rivals, we're BEST FRIENDS. Nothing romance-y can happen between us. No matter how much I want to hear him say he loves me, I never will. And I guess that's something I'll just have to accept.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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